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Whiskey is warm.
We all know, and it does not feel good on your temples the next morning.

This was the nail banged into the coffin.

Buried below the threshold you had,
The boundaries I broke,
and the baby we barely even bathed.

A pill
slips down the throats easiest
with warm water.



The feeling I figured whiskey had ,
until the wasted faded,
and all that was weighed in was a raging headache.

A mistake you made doesn't define you as a monster;

You are just going to wake up with a raging headache.

A mistake I made doesn't define me as a monster;

I'm just going to regretfully regurgitating this burning bottle of words come morning.

Words of what goes down,

You left me
Dangling like a chandelier,
A cavalier chanting the canary's song.

Twitching, I could almost taste your touch.
tickling my throat,
pooling into my nose.
Crystal, cold champagne.

Like the starry cup,
you bubble up and spew wildly
A new direction.
An eye catching, crystal reflection.

You let the cut bleed, because.
Cuts bleed in the real world.

People cut, and people bleed.
Not intentionally.

It's not trickery, or triggering,
That's just my seed,
My brain,
& My flower.
Devour my thoughts ,
Like a cannibal to my own compassion.
He was empathetic
Till i made him eat his words.

Deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.

An entity bound to sin, trip up, and royally fuck up,

simply, yet imperfectly, repeatedly.

I'm sorry.

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