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Look at me
Look at the empty fragments of me
Look and see
The reflection of a faulted human

Broken bones and shattered skull
Eat until the stomach is full
Then purge our pride and bury our side
Because we don't want you to see it all

When you look

Blink away every tear we cried
Because someone inside has died
And you won't even begin to notice
That we're all on autopilot now

Society has corrected us
The makeup paints the best of us
And now when you glance
You'll see nothing but our statues

We're faking as we did as kids
Play pretend, our mouths are lids
Sealed tight with all the secrets held
Sewn so softly yet they're bruising

Aching for you to see right through
And see that we are not like you
"Get over it" is a simple phrase
3 words
4 syllables
5 seconds to decide who we want to be
But none of those seconds are free

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