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Holy shit is this okay
I am a girl with absolute carelessness
And a fuck ton of forgetfulness

I remember
Oh do i remember
The amber glow of warmth
That struck our hearts
with open obviousness

Hammering in my chest
A drum set and the whip of what could be wind
But feels like wildlife

Naturally, smoothly
The words to describe this escape me
It just feels normal
Like we've just been this married couple
for a bazillion years

We finish each other's god damn sentences the same way we somehow know the next line to each other's work in progress poems

We somehow guess what's on the mind of the other before the topic even floats into our brains

We're fucking floating

We are no longer elapsing time with paperweights strapped to our toes

We are elated.

Criss cross applesauce in the front seat of your car

Caring about literally nothing other then sloppy kisses and sleeping in your arms some night

Silly I know

But sometimes I forget how easy it is to fall in love with you

Because, to restate
A fuck ton of forgetfulness

I remember
Oh do I remember
Late night pizza for some damn reason
Outside my house around Christmas season

And I kept my hip wedged in the car door

Don't quite leave
just yet

I see sunshine,
And crows fly.
We are elated.

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