Chapter 5 - Hair Chaos

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I opened the door to the infirmary.

Jinx: "Hajime said you're still here."

Nico: "Jinx's back!"

Rock: "How was training?"

Jinx: "It was really fun! Liang taught be how to punch without making my knuckles hurt and Samon let us beat up Inori."

Uno: "Jinx, you came back just at the right time!"

He took my hand and brought me in to where Jyugo was with Dr Otogi. Jyugo had his back to me and his hands on his head.

Uno: "Come on, show her."

Jyugo: "No... it's embarrassing, and she'll never let me live it down. It's bad enough you three saw."

Uno let go of my hand and made Jyugo turn around. My eyes widened when I saw. The only cat things about his face now, is he still had a cat nose and whiskers. Jyugo's cheeks went bright pink.

Jinx: "So cute..."

Uno: "Oh, but that's not all! Put your hands down, Jyugo."

Jyugo whimpered and slowly took his hands off his head, revealing cat ears. I couldn't help but smile as they twitched.

Uno: "You wanna pet him?"

Jyugo: "Don't offer her that!"

Uno: "She'll be gentle, right Jinx?"

Jinx: "Uh huh!"

Jyugo: "Mmm... fine... get it over with..."

Uno lifted me up behind Jyugo and I gently stroked his cat ears. They didn't feel that different to Kuu's. I giggled.

Jinx: "Fluffy Jyugo."

Uno: "Haha!"

Jyugo: "Are- are you done?"

Jinx: "Kay."

Uno let me down and I faced Jyugo again, we saw his whiskers had disappeared and his nose had gone back to normal.

Dr Otogi: "Almost done. Your ears should go back to normal any minute now."

Jinx & Uno: "Aww..."

Jyugo: "Good."

After a few minutes the cat ears were gone.

Dr Otogi: "There. You're all back to normal and ready to get out of my office."

Jyugo: "Appreciate it."

Uno: "Anyway, I'm glad to hear you've recovered. If you had to keep the knife hands and the cat head, your character look would be ruined."

Jyugo: "I still blame you for one of those."

Dr Otogi: "While you're here, I would like to know how this happened. Where'd the cat come from?"

Rock: "He won't tell-"

Kuu: "Mew!"

Rock and I looked up to see Kuu on top of one of the cabinets.

Rock: "Shh..."

Suddenly the infirmary door opens. Trois and Honey walk in.

Trios: "Greetings, sweet Kaguya. You look ravishing as ever. I'm taking a survey. Describe the shape and colour of the clothing near your chest."

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