Chapter 25 - Not Useless

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Honey put me down.

Jinx: "What will it take to get rid of this chump?!"

Honey: "I wish I knew."

Ruka: "I've wasted enough time here. So..."

Some kind of blue energy starts spiralling around him.

Ruka: "I need you to hurry up and die. BLOW AWAY!"

He sent a huge wind attack towards us. I braced myself, but nothing hit. We looked up to see Honey had used his wires to make a cave in, blocking the attack from hitting us.

Honey: "What the hell was that...? How did he— how did he do all that damage with wind? It's insane."

Trois: "Honey, I- I feel like you may be overdoing it."

Jinx: "You're bleeding really bad now."

Uno: "You okay, man?"

Honey: "I'm fine. Just shut your mouth."

Jyugo curiously touched one of the wires.

Honey: "Heh, bet you can't do something like this, now can you. Nothing to say? You're useless, coward."

Trois: "Stop it, Honey. Don't be mean."

Honey: "Tch..."

I whispered to Uno.

Jinx: "Honey doesn't know about Jyugo's blades."

Uno: "Mhm."

Trois: "Our skill sets aren't compatible. We can't fight."

Uno: "Okay, so I guess our only option is to run then."

Trois: "Fraid not. We'd only make ourselves easy to catch if we turned our backs."


Trois: "Let's see, have you worked out the local layout?"

Uno: "*sigh* I think I'm starting to get it."

Trois: "Then you know that the descending stairs are ahead. You three go."

Jinx: "Huh?"

Uno: "Wait, what are you saying?"

Trois: "Honey and I will distract that guard for as long as we're able to."

Jinx: "But... it's too dangerous."

Trois: "We can handle ourselves. Fairly well when we aren't protecting you three, heh."

Uno: "B-but if you guys stay, then won't you-?"

I got up and hugged Trois.

Jinx: "Just come with us."

Trois: "Sorry, little one, but that's not an option right now. Please just do as I say. If you don't, you will die."

Honey's wires twitched.

Honey: "MOVE ASIDE!!"

Trois picked me up and we jumped out of the way. The floor broke open and Ruka came up in a spiral of wind.

Ruka: "Having another team meeting, are we? I hope it was productive since I won't be giving you the chance to have another."

Trois threw an explosive, but Ruka blew it away.

Brothers (Part 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant