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•[Not Tonight]•

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•[Not Tonight]•

Suna's fist connected with Oikawa's jaw. Blood flew out of his mouth and he stumbled backwards. He gained his composure and punched Suna in the side. Suna dipped down and kicked Oikawa off of his feet. He straddled him and began to throw as many punches as he can. He's enraged, and tired. Oikawa blocked a punched and used this to his advantage to give Suna a left hook. The rolled around on the floor. This time Oikawa is on top. Suna shield his face with his arms up as Oikawa wasted no time to hit him.

When Oikawa realized that he was getting nowhere with that he began punching Suna in the side. Suna clutched his stomach and endured four more punches from Oikawa before thrusting his hips upward, getting Oikawa off of him.

Y/N, who's on the side clutching Tendou's phone to her chest, stared at the commotion not knowing what to do. The amount of screaming and people getting hit made her scared and forced to shrink herself into a corner.. She wants to help but how will she.

"Stay down! You too! And you!" Y/N looked in Tendou's direction who's grinning like a mad man as took two to three people on. Elbowing them in the neck, kneeing them in the face and spin kicking them to the side. And the crazy thing is that every one if them had a weapon, and he didn't.

Y/N gulps and tried to figure out how to help. She couldn't do anything with Tendou's phone so she put it in her back pocket. Exhaling a breath she took a step forward. Just as she did someone bumped into her, sending them both to the ground. Because she was so scared she yelped.

"Get off of her punk!" Y/N looked up to see Atsumu pulling the guy away from her. He grabbed him by the shirt and headbutted him. He glanced down at Y/N, blood falling from his forehead due to the headbutt. He wiped his head with the back of his jacket and held out a hand. Even if it's dark she could see his red knuckles due to all of the punching, she even spotted the few splashes of blood on his clothes. "You alright?" He asks. Y/N could see the concern on his features.

Y/N took his hand and he helped her to her feet. "Y-yeah, thanks Atsumu." She breathes out. Y/N took another glance at the huge fight that's going on. She's trying to find Suna, but she could barely see due to everyone who's moving around and shouting out of rage. Atsumu followed her gaze and mentally sighed when he knew she was probably wondering where Suna was.

"He'll be fine. You just need to get out of here. I don't want you to go alone but you'll have too since everyone is busy right now." He explains, gaining her attention. He knew he didn't want her to tag along for a reason.

"What? No, I can't just leave." She protests.

"Y/N you can't stay here, you could get hurt. That's the reason why I didn't want you tagging along behind us. Shit happens all the time, and I care about your safety too much to see you get hurt in this mess. So while everyone is distracted by trying to kill each other, leave." He took out his car keys and handed them to her. He'll just have to ride with Osamu when it's time for them to bounce.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now