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[A Talk]

For the first week of her confinement, Y/N spent those days at Ukai's place. He hadn't spoken to her during her stay. He only gave her what the average human needed to survive and left.

The silence from him was killing her and every time he stopped by to give her breakfast, lunch, or dinner she would apologize for everything that happened. And she did it daily. That's until the third day he stopped by he finally decided to open his mouth.

She found out that he got knocked over the head with a bat, knocking him out. From there, Kentaro got out unharmed and Atsumu got taken into custody by the enemy.

She couldn't believe that it happened since before she went to the train station Atsumu had been completely fine, as well as Ukai. What's even more confusing about the situation was that nobody knew where Atsumu stayed.

Unless she was followed and hadn't known. Then that would explain it.

It's her last day at Ukai's penitentiary. Y/N had been sulking the entire week. She'd barely eat, wouldn't shower and sleep had became her second enemy.

The door opened and Y/N pulled herself from the bed she laid on, trying to catch some sleep.

Stepping on the other side to collect Y/N and carry her to her permanent destination for the next few months, are Ushijima and Kita.

Upon seeing them both she backed herself into a corner. She could never get used to Ushijima's presence. Whoever asks this man for a fight or even looks at him for too long has nothing to loose in life. He's scary.

"We've come to collect you." Ushijima states.

"Where am I going?"

"Suna doesn't want us to tell you that. He says you might try to escape." Kita informs. Y/N scoffs. She can't believe his words to her, saying how she shouldn't kill cops whether she's dying or not.

It was ridiculous and it hurt her feelings. Does he not care about her at all?

"H-how is he anyways?" She asks softly. Ushijima took a step back, physically telling Kita that he's not obligated to answer her question.

"He's fine. He's still trying to get things back in order. He just...he's serious." Kita explains as best he could. And he's right, Suna is focused, which is more scary than when he's caught smiling. Which is rare.

Y/N exhaled. "Y/N, you didn't fail us as a leader, everything went according to plan. There are only a few holes, and those holes were made." Ushijima pipes in. Y/N looked at him, and as always he's stern faced.

Y/N only nodded, exhaling through her nose. "Well, ready to go?" Kita asks.

"I want to speak with Suna." She says.

"I know you want to Y/N but that'd be impossible right now." Kita assures.

"Just call him. Please. He doesn't need to know I'm here." She whispers. "I just want to hear his voice." Y/N walked over to Kita, holding his arm. "Please?" She pleads softly.

Kita exhales, pulling his phone from his front pocket. He went to his call log and dialed Suna's number. Ushijima just stood watch. He wanted to tell Y/N that she shouldn't hurt her head over Suna and just deal with the confinement until he's ready to let her out.

However, Ushijima likes her company. She's like WD40, the slackness they needed to deter them from being serious all of the time. She was their fun, and now, she's going to be absent for a while.

After five rings later, Suna picked up. Kita placed it on speaker, holding it out.

"Yes?" His voice is gruff and groggy. Like he'd just woken up from sleep. The sound of his voice made Y/N calm. She just wants to talk to him, that's all she wants.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now