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[My Kids]•

Kenma pulled a nine millimeter from his jacket pocket and aimed at Tendou. Tendou glanced the knife on the floor, that's close to Kenma's feet.

Kenma followed the boy's gaze and kicked it over to him. Tendou swallows, still feeling the sting from the kick Kenma gave him.

He's surprised his bones didn't break. Tendou quickly picked up the weapon and held it out for protection. It was stupid since Kenma got a gun and he doesn't.

"I thought you're against weapons in a fight."

"I..." Tendou stopped, feeling the strain on his voice.

"You are?" Kenma finishes for him.

Tendou glares. Kenma exhales, staring at the boy. He realized how sweaty he is and how much he's bleeding.

"I didn't want to do this you know. But you crossed...many...many lines."

"I did it for them. You took them from me!"

"And I'm sorry for that. I always was."

"No you weren't! If you were you would've taken the charge but you lied and slithered your way out of it! I didn't get justice. I was mocked."

"That's not true. I couldn't do life or death. That was going to be my entire experience. I was only sixteen, Satori."

"They were six and ten! You took away their life experience. They didn't to eat huge portions of food, they didn't get to go to school like I wanted them to, they didn't bring home guys I could beat up and scare! I was their parent! I was both mom and dad." Tendou sobs.

Kenma felt bad. Not only that he's surprised since the is the first time he's seen Tendou vulnerable. During the trials he never seen the boy cry, never seen the boy show any emotions. Nothing.

It was all in silence.

Tendou is shaking, still holding his side. "I hear them everyday, their laughs. Their, voices, I even see them sometimes. They're haunting me because I failed them as a brother, as a family."

"I'm sorry, Satori. I really am. But you pushed it. You already killed my parents and my first love. And now you're targeting Y/N. I can't let you take her away from me."

"You parents got to see you grow up, they dropped you to school and did all that parenting stuff. You already had love, you've got friends and people that look up to you. You got your happy. Now it's time for us to suffer in pain together and continuously."

"What about Barbara? Don't you love her? And Ushijima, he's your friend. The rest of your gang look up to you. Aren't we suffering together and continuously already?"

Tendou groaned. "Shut up! Ah..." Tendou clutched his side tighter and wiped sweat from his forehead. Y/N got him good without even knowing it.

"I don't want to kill you. I promised myself to not kill anyone else along my path. This is best for you, Satori."

"No. Fuck your pity!" Tendou ran up to him and jabbed down to stab Kenma. Kenma stepped out if the way and backed away from him.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now