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Carmen's pov:
I try to stay as still as I can as I hold my hands over my mouth to stifle my giggles that I can't seem to hold in. Of course it's a fruitless attempt, my family will find me anyway the first. It's not really fair though, they are vampires and always are able to smell me out of simply follow my heartbeat. Still I love to try my very best. Maybe one time I will win, which technically I could if i would be allowed to use my gift. But daddy always gets really frightened when he can't feel me around any more. Papa also worry's since he can't read my mind at all and when he can't smell me any longer he isn't able to know where and how I am. When I take that in accountability, I think it kind of is rude that I always lose since I could be the best at hide and seek with my gift. Just as I think that, daddy's face appears over my face with love shining in his eyes. Instead of saying anything, he simply pulls a finger in front of his mouth and picks me up softly before he runs away really fast. Even though daddy showed me to be quiet, I keep on giggling loudly since the air is blowing through my curly brown hair. I also love being so close to daddy while he runs through the woods in his incredible speed. When he stops we are standing on the huge stone wall we have found together years ago. This is so to speak our spot. A spot where only we and papa come to.
„How are you today baby girl?" Daddy asks as he sits down on the ground with me on his lap so I can lean comfily against his chest and look out towards the wood now lying under us.
„I am good daddy. Even though I still thing playing hide and seek while not being allowed to use my gift while you all are allowed to is unfair." I tell him with a small pout on my lips. His chuckle makes his chest vibrate which of course makes me giggle along with him.
„I know Carly. But that's why I stole you away. Let's see how long they all stay hidden until they figure out no one is actually look for them." he says with a mischievous look on his face making me giggle yet again. When we hear some rustling coming from behind us, we both look back. Knowing we got caught by at least one of the family.
„Well, look at my love and my baby love cuddling up all without me. I really am hurt." Papa says with a pout. Playing all hurt while his eyes shine in love and adoration at us.
„Figured you will read my mind and follow and I was right. Otherwise you wouldn't be standing here in front of us or would you?" Daddy sasses Papa before he pushes out his tongue at him making me follow his move as well to the shock of Papa it seems.
„You are no Good role Modell for my baby love!" states and lifts me into his strong arms. And yes they can easily carry me around, not only because they are vampires but also because i am still pretty small, much to my dismay. Yet papa and daddy just like the Rest of my family loves it. I after all am their baby. Even when I at times hate to be babied i still love to get showered with love from all of them.
„But papa, Daddy is a Great role Model!" i Tell him strictly. Not liking for him to talk badly about my papa. His face right away softens at my hurt expression for him saying that. Even if he only meant it jokingly I don't like it and they both know that as well.
„I know Carly. Your daddy is amazing, I was only hurt that I wasn't invited to your little run off." papa says and cuddles me lovingly into his chest shortly followed by daddy who joins our cuddle as well.
„It ok sweet pea. I know papa only meant it jokingly. No harm done." daddy says since he sees that I hide my face still against papas throat. But I still don't budge, not until I can feel and hear the both of them purring lowly. That always does the trick, making me calm down and makes me feel safe and happy within seconds.
„There our sweet daughter is." papa says and kisses my forehead lovingly before repeatedly kissing daddy's lips lovingly. Making me smile brightly at my parents. I always loved how lovey dicey they are. Anyone truly must be blind to not see how deeply in love those two are with each other. And I also am forever grateful that the two of them adopted me and shown me nothing but love. They truly are the best parents anyone could ever wish for.
„Everything ok Carly?" Daddy asks me with worry clear to hear in his normally happy voice. Confused, I look at him. Not really understanding why he thinks I am not ok at all.
„You have been spaced out for quit some time baby love." papa explains softly since he seems to figure out the quickest that I am not getting why his mate is so worried about me so suddenly.
„Oh!" I mumble with a bright blush.
„I was only thinking. Sorry if I worried you daddy." I mumble guiltily which yet again simply gets ignored by my parents since they simply kiss my whole face making me giggle hysterically.
„There my favorite sound of all times is again!" daddy says taking me out of papas reach to twirl around with me instead to keep me giggling even longer. When he finally stops the twirling to not get me even more dizzy than I already am. Papa standing slightly to the side with a wide smile plastered on his face just like daddy has.
„How did we ever get so lucky Edward?" daddy softly asks as he caresses my cheek with love shining in his honey like eyes.
„That i can tell you! When we found our little angel in the woods sixteen years and fourty-five days ago." papa reply's just as softly as he hugs the both of us back into his comfy chest. At hearing that my heart roars even more with love and appreciation for my parents that have found me alone in the snowed in woods so long ago.

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