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Carmen's pov:
I still am hanging on papas back as he walks towards his silver Volvo. He carefully leans down to make me sit down in the backseat.
„Don't forget to buckle up baby girl." daddy says and kisses my forehead lovingly. He really is a mother hen. But I love him for that. So with a smile on my lips, I buckle up and look at daddy who simply kisses my cheeks.
„Good Girl." he says and pecks my forehead once more before he closes the door and slides into the passenger seat. Papa already on the driver seat.
„What are We waiting for?" I ask confused on why we haven't started our drive to get me my well deserved treat.
„That's because you invited the kings to come along too. But since there are only two more seats empty they are discussing who has to drive with the guards instead of with us." Papa explains with a low chuckle.
„I could sit on daddy's lap?" I say wanting them to hurry up so I can get my ice cream already.
„That's not really safe little love." papa says and winks at me. Seemingly remembering that we have often drove around with me in daddy's lap. I mean the chance is basically cero that papa would get into an accident and if he does, daddy would make sure he gets me out before I could get the slightest cut or other injury. With that in mind and the fact that I want my treat, I unbuckle myself again and climb over the console and onto daddy's lap instead. His arms right away circle around me as he purrs happy to be so close to me again. My supposed mates also have realized that there are now three seats empty since they hurriedly get in the car as well.
„Thank you Mia bella! We wouldn't of been able to decide on who needs to ride without you close by." Caius says and eyes me in gratitude.
„Welcome." i mumble and look at Papa in expectation. He simply chuckles at me and starts the car. Driving fast as he always does while I watch outside as the trees pass by quickly.
„Alice and rose want to go shopping this weekend." I tell my parents since I don't know if my aunts already informed them or not. The sharp intake of breaths from behind confuses me as well as worries me slightly. Having vampires sitting behind you is never good, especially not if you don't know them that good or trust them that much.
„I am not sure if it is a good idea to go shopping with them while your mates are here baby girl. They will get jealous if you spend time with anyone without them near by as well." Daddy softly says making me look at him in confusion. Those are my aunts! Am i not allowed to spend time with my family anymore?
„It's alright principessa. My brothers and I won't take away your family. We know that they mean a lot to you." marcus reassuringly says to my dads surprise it seems.
„My brother is right Mia Bella. We simply are worried for your safety when you are out with only those two." Caius further explains and I see the smirk on daddy's face.
„They have been looking out for me for as long as I can remember and even before then. They are my aunts after all." I mumble not liking for them to talk so lowly of them. The three of us have gone out on our shopping sprees and spa days for a very long time now and they always kept me safe.
„We know that Mia cara. Still we worry. Why don't we send our guards along with you guys. I promise you won't even notice them. They will just stay in the back to help if you should need any." Aro adds to his brothers explanation. Slowly nodding my head. If that's the only way I am able to spend some quality time with my aunties than so be it. Maybe Jane can even join the shopping? Alice after all said girls shopping trip. I will have to ask her and rose later on, which reminds me.
„When are the others getting out of school?" I ask papa since he usually knows where and when everyone of our family is and comes home again. His knowing smile also lets me know that he figured out why I asked him instead of daddy.
„They should be back home when we get back. I am sure Emmet is already eager to hug you again. You know How antsy he can get if he worries about you." papa answers as he squeezes my hand softly.
„Like everyone of your aunts and uncle. Not even getting started about nonno and nonna." Daddy adds after he kisses my head softly.
When papa pulls up by the ice cream shop I shudder at seeing bella with her minions sitting there as well.
„I think I don't want any ice cream any longer." I whisper softly. Not yet ready to face her again. My hold on daddy's hand tighten as she seems to realize who's car just parked in front of the store. She seducingly looks towards the driver seat as she pulls her shirt even more down so her breasts are nearly falling out of her shirt while her belt that she seems to think to be a skirt leaves nothing to the imagination.
„I know baby girl. But she can't hurt you, we are right here with you." daddy says before whispers that he would like to strangle her as well. That news makes me giggle slightly. Always liking when daddy gets jealous or overprotective.
„What is going on Edward? From whom is our mate so frightened that she suddenly doesn't want her treat any longer? The furious growls coming from them surprise me. Even more that I for the first time am not afraid by their growling since I know they are mad at Bella and not me.
„See that whore along with her midgets there?" papa asks them and waits till they nod that they know who he means. That's Isabella swan, she is constantly talking shit about my little love and makes her feel horrible. Last week she even pushed her down a few steps." he tells them as his hands turn white as he grips tightly onto the steering wheel.
„Is lucky she is still amongst the living." daddy states and pulls me closer to him so he can nuzzle my neck to help him calm down slightly.
„We will discuss this later than. Now we have more important things to do." Aro states matter of factly before he leans slightly forward so he can look me in the eyes.
„What flavors do you want Mia cara?" he simply asks me as if it's a life or death situation and not a simply question about my favorite flavors. Giggling slightly at his seriousness while all three mates of mine look at me in a daze.
„I love pistachio and chocolate and hazelnut!" I count off my most favorite ones.
„I would say our angel loves every flavor as long as it's sweet and ice cream." Papa tells them with a chuckle which daddy joins quickly. A sudden knock on the window makes me squeal in surprise. Only to smile confused at Alec who holds an enormous tube of ice cream in his hands. Daddy lets the window down as he smiles lovingly at me.
„I thought we can take your favorite flavors back home. That way you can eat your treat in a comfortable environment." alec softly says as he hands me the big tube with a shy smile. My smile must of split my face in utter joy at his words.
„Thank you alec! That's really really nice of you! Thank you!" I thank him with tears of gratitude in my eyes. He simply smiles once more before he gets back into the other car so we could drive off again. Papa eyeing the big tube every few seconds while I beam happily at it much to everyone's joy. Well, apart from papa.

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