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Carmen's pov:
They all keep on looking at me, which makes me slightly fitchy, not used to all those intense stares.
„Shh, you are fine Mia cara." Aro softly says and reaches out towards me. The panic already starts to set in as a small hand suddenly lays on top of aro's arm, stopping him from touching me. His low growl make me shudder even more.
„You are scaring her." a soft and feminine voice says matter of factly as the only girl slowly rounds the kings and stands herself in front of me, next to papa. The other three guards quickly follow her lead, completely shielding me now from the kings eyes which helps my breathing to calm down again.
„There you go Carly. Deep breaths." daddy whispers softly in my ear while swaying us side to side as nonna and nonno caress my back lovingly.
„What." Aro start to say but suddenly stops. of course being the curious little thing that I am, I turn slightly only to see Marcus holding Aro his hand out yet again. He sighs deeply while papa turns towards me to take me into his arms again. Seemingly needing to be close to me just like daddy.
„Why don't we all sit down and talk about everything?" nonno asks and seemingly gets approving nods in reply since I couldn't hear any verbal reply, yet everyone walks towards our comfy couch. Me still in papas lap as daddy sits next to us and softly moves me to sit on either of their legs now. Both holding one hand each of mine too while nonno and nonna take a seat on each of their sides. The four guards to my surprise take a stand behind us. Making me slightly uncomfortable since I don't know them and the fact that they were growling at my family earlier on.
„Shh, we won't ever hurt you Mia sorellina." the feminin voice softly says and somehow I believe her. Daddy also only nods to make me understand that she is honest. The fact that she just called me her baby sister is kind of confusing but than I also don't mind.
„What are your names?" i ask quietly with my head turned towards the side so I can see all four of them as they look at me like I am simply the cutest thing they ever saw.
„Those are Demetri, Felix and Alec. my name is Jane. It is a pleasure to meet you Mia sorellina." Jane introduces everyone of them while they simply nod at me to tell me who is who. I also have the feeling they simply nodded since they didn't mean to frighten me as I did as Aro tried to touch me. That realization only makes me appreciate them some more.
„How about we introduce ourselves as well before your family or you can tell us how you came to live with vampires." Aro says yet he makes it sound like a question. After my slow nod all three of them smile brightly at me.
„why don't I start? I after all am the only one who hasn't told you my name till now Mia cara." the blonde one enthusiastically says as he sends his brothers a small wink since he was the quickest to say anything. So after their agreeing nod, the blonde one smiled even wider towards me. Making me nearly question if this is the same vampire who has been scowling the whole time.
„My name is Caius Mia cara. And I really want to apologize if we did frighten you earlier. That was never my or anyone's intention." he introduces himself as well as apologizes.  To which I simply nod. Not ready to talk to them right now. It was a huge step for me to even ask the guards for their name. And to aknowledge the three kings currently watching me closely.
„Edward, why don't you tell us how you found your darling daughter?" Marcus asks my papa while his eyes still lay on me with love and understanding that I am not ready to talk with them just yet.
„Do you want to stay here little love or should daddy go upstairs with you and nonna?" Papa asks me with his understanding eyes. Always wanting to make sure that I feel save, loved and happy. On top of that he knows that I don't like the reminder that my birth parents left me to die in the snowed in woods. The first tear already leaking out of my eye, so I hurriedly wipe it away before nodding slightly.
„You can go in my study room bambina, I am sure there are some books that could take your mind somewhere else." nonno softly says. A smile of appreciation right away forms on my lips. So I quickly hug nonno and papa before daddy, nonna and I head on upstairs.
„Just Call if you need or want anything Mia sorellina." Demetri softly calls after us. A thankful smile was directed towards him in appreciation of his thoughtfulness. The wide smile that takes over his whole face makes me think that I did something right.
„Why don't you two head on upstairs while I grab a snack for you bambina? You haven't had lunch till now, you must be hungry." nonna simply states as she ushers us upstairs while she walks back towards the kitchen. When daddy and I arrive in nonnos study I smile at all of the old books. This room feels so homey it really is astonishing! I have been spending a lot of time in here with nonno. He taught me to read and write in his study back in Alaska. Back than daddy and papa still had to go to school while I was allowed to stay back at home with my grandparents. Only for a year though because than both my parents stated that they won't leave me again since they miss me way too much throughout the time they waste in school. Instead they officially switched to online schooling while they simply spend time with me and took over the teaching from nonno. Much to his dismay, but I still made it a point to read with him every day. It has after all become a habit between the two of us.
„How are you feeling baby girl?" Daddy asks me softly yet worriedly after I have taken a seat on the bean bag nonno bought for me.

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