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Marcus pov:
Seeing how panicked my sweet principessa is as well as how frightened she is from my other two mates and me is breaking my dead heart all over again at how utterly devastating it feels ! There is no other way to say it. Her beautiful blue eyes blown wide in utter fright as she analyzes every little move we make. I right away stop in my track to not worry her even more than she already is. The way she has pulled Demetri towards her and away from me only intensifies the pain spreading around my whole body. She truly must think we would hurt, or even worse, kill her family. Maybe even her....
What does however surprises me, is how her whole family try's to talk her into listening to us. They even keep on telling her that they know that we would never hurt her nor her family.
It's not as if we ever had a problem with our guards or even with the Cullens. Still i never expected them to try to help us like that.
When after some more reassuring words my principessa looks up to stare into my eyes, my heart makes a jump in thankfulness. So with a soft smile plastered on my lips, I wave my two other mates over towards me. Which they right away do. Both of them look completely broken hearted and over all lost. They each quickly grab onto one of my arm as if they need the support to even be able to keep standing upright.
„We really are very sorry that we frightened you like that Mia Bella." Caius Mutters painfully and utterly frightened that he might has made our sweet little mate hate us now. Thinking about the possibility alone,yet again clenches my heart painfully.
„Caius is right Mia cara. We never meant to make you think that we would ever hurt your family either. We know how much you love them and how important they are to you." Aro goes on, with the explanation as his grip tightens even more on my arm. Letting me know that he won't be able to hold on for much longer before breaking down completely. Aro always was the most sensible out of all three of us.
Sure, he is seen as The leader of the Volturi, the  one that leads us and makes the decision. But that is so far away from his true nature. It only is an act he plays, an act he quit frankly hates with a burning passion. He never was or is good with decisions, always needing the reassurance that he is doing fine and that his mates love him unconditionally. And If his gift wouldn't make the leading of the Volturi's that much easier, he would of never agreed to play the role at all. He after all would much more enjoy staying in one of our rooms and read or paint. Or if he would get to choose, he would be cuddled up against Caius or I.
With that in mind I decide to go on further instead of the two of them. Knowing that they both won't be able to keep on talking for much longer before they would break down on the ground sobbing their hearts out.
„I swear principessa, we will never ever hurt you nor your family! That's the furthest we will ever do!" I promise her honestly. Needing her to believe us since it's the simple truth. My heart souring in fright that she may will never forgive us for reacting the way we did. Her body however slowly stopped to shake as it has for a rather long time now. Her heartbeat also has slowed down a bit, yet she keeps on looking in between the three of us in irritation. Seemingly sensing that there is something huge we haven't told her till now.
„Why don't we talk about the thing you told us yesterday evening? My baby is sensing that there is still something that you keep away from her." Edward states as he looks at me. Surely knowing that I would be the one making the decision to tell our sweet mate or not.
„That sounds quit alright Edward. It's time we lay our cards open for my principessa as well as her whole family." I answer while keeping my eyes on my small darling who seems rather confused on what's going on. Hopefully she will accept all we will tell her now. Especially the fact that we all aren't only her mates, but also mated to one another.
„Do you want to talk here or in the living room baby girl?" Jasper questions my principessa lovingly. It really is amazing to see them interact with each other. I obviously always knew that the Cullens have an incredible tight bond, my gift alone allowed me to see that much. But all of their bonds are even tighter with my tiny mate. The love that shines in all their eyes whenever they look at her or simply talk about her is astonishing! I do have to say that i did feel kind of jealous at the beginning, but now I am overjoyed at the knowledge that my darling has such a loving and caring family. It also helped me set my mind at least a bit at ease while we where in Volterra and therefore rather far away from her.
„Can we go to the living room? I haven't seen Nonno and nonna till now." her sweet voice asks slightly unsure and pleadingly. And obviously we all agreed to her wish right away! If my principessa wants to see her grandparents as well as talk somewhere else then I am completely fine with that! Whatever my principessa wants she will get! I am going to make sure of that!!!
„Of Course Mia sorrelina. I am pretty sure nonna is seconds away from throwing the door open now anyway. Just like the rest of the family" Felix reply's with a chuckle while my darling mate looks at him confused on why she would do that.
„Both of our grandparents along with our aunts and uncle have been itching to see how you were doing ever since we brought you your fruits hours ago." Demi further explains. The happy giggle that comes out of my darling mate makes me fall in love even more with her. How can she get even sweeter and more perfect as she already is?
„Well, then let's get going. Knowing Emmet he is near a frenzy by now. He never seems to be able to be apart from you for longer than three hours." Edward states with a shake of his head. And after seeing how protective Emmet is over my baby, it's not that surprising to hear.

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