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Carmen's pov:
My parents haven't left my side ever since my mates went back to Italy. And let me tell you it hurts even more then what i feared and anticipated after everything everyone told me. Daddy try's to constantly send me soothing and calming waves, yet I still am very sad no matter what. The only thing that kind of helps is when my parents and siblings go to our little spot in the middle of the woods with me. Out there I feel as if I still can breath without my heart breaking every few seconds.
„Maybe it's time to try going back to school again?" I hear Alice ask my dads quietly. Obviously thinking that I am still asleep. The soft caress of my daddy thought never stopped.
„I am not too sure Alice. You see in what a fragile State my little love is in." Papa says with a broken voice. They all hate to see me like that. Especially since they know that there is no way they could possibly help me. The sighs coming from all around the room surprise me slightly. Who else is in my bedroom along with my parents and Alice?
„I know son. But maybe the distraction could help take the pain away from my bambina. You know we all hate to see our little angel like this." nonno says as nonna chokes up a little at her mates words. Not wanting to keep on listing in on their conversation like that, I turn slightly. Alerting them that I am awake or at least about to wake up.
„Good Morning baby girl." Daddy softly says and kisses my forehead. Somehow I must of fallen asleep with my head laying on his lap. At least that's how I woke up just now.
„Sorry for laying on you the whole night daddy." I mumble feeling slightly bad for withholding him from spending some alone time with papa like they usually tend to do after I have fallen asleep.
„Nonsense little love! Daddy loved to have you cuddled up against him. I was a bit jealous that you have chosen him as your pillow instead of me, but I am not sulking." papa informs me swiftly after he kisses my head as well. The wink he send my way at the end makes me smile a little. Which really is a foreign feeling after not giggling or smiling ever since my mates left one and a half weeks ago. The whole room now beaming at me in joy as they see the tiny smile on my lips.
„Nonno said he thinks it might be time to go back to school again. What do you say bambina?" nonna asks me and kneels down in front of the bed to be able to be eye level with me. The thought of facing bella again does unsettle me, yet a bit of distraction might really do me some good?
„You wouldn't be alone there baby love. Janie and Alec offered to enroll too, so they can stay close by your side, just like daddy and I." papa softly says. Like most of the time figuring out where my mind drifted off to. The information about Janie and Alec confuses me. Till now no one ever said anything about them joining us at school.
„We thought we could stay close with you like that Mia sorellina." Janie softly says from the window seat with a shy smile on her face.
„We also thought it might be fun since we never had the chance to go to an actual school. Not while we were humans nor after becoming vampires. Master Marcus has been teaching us everything since he felt sorry for us when he realized that we couldn't even read properly." Alec goes on instead of his twin sister with unsure eyes. Seemingly expecting us to think rather lowly about them now. Instead papa stood up and went towards them to hug them softly. I can't hear what he is whispering to them, but the both of them have suddenly tears in their eyes as they hug themselves even tighter against papa, who simply embraced them and kisses both their foreheads lovingly.
„I think going back to school wouldn't be so bad then." I softly say much to the others joy it seems.
„Thats my brave baby!" daddy says and pulls me into a sitting position on his lap so he can actually hug me properly. Automatically i nuzzle my head into his neck to which he right away reacts with low purrs.
„Still I think it would be best to stay in just one more day. It already is pretty late for school now anyway." Demi says as well as asks. Not sure how our family might react to his statement. When however everyone nods in agreement with him, his tens shoulders sag slightly as a shy smile instead forms on his face. It's kind of weird how my four siblings always seem so tense and on edge. They really act as if they are only waiting for us to abandon them or something like that. which definitely won't ever happen! Not on my watch, that's for sure!!
„Why don't I make you some breakfast while you get ready for the day bambina?" nonna asks me still kneeling in front of me. Her eyes shining hopeful that I for once won't decline her yummy food. With that in mind I nod slightly and see her smile nearly split her whole face in two. That's just how widely she is smiling.
„I will get right to it then bambina." she says with tears standing in her eyes. She softly leans forward and kisses both my cheeks lovingly before she leaves to do as she said.
„I guess I should get showered and dressed." I mumble as I look at my way too big nightgown. It only is logical though, since it originally was a shirt from papa.
„I already put some clothes in your bathroom sweetie. Take your time, we will wait here for you." auntie Alice says as she squeezes my hand in encouragement. Auntie Rose standing next to her as she quickly moves to hug me, making me squeal slightly, not at all expecting her to do so, but right away returning the cuddle against her comfy body.
„I am really proud of you for trying to go back to school sweetheart." she softly says as she sways us slightly from left to right. When I enter the bathroom I am shocked at my reflection. Seems as if I haven't been taking care of myself at all the last few weeks. My body looks even thinner than before, the black rings under my eyes a testament that I haven't had enough sleep either. Shaking my head at my own lack of self care. This will stop today! Yes my mates needed to leave to do their duties, but they call me each day, at times even three to four times, so they haven't simply left me alone. On top of that I still have my wonderful family close by my side, as they do their very best to get me back to my original self. So i guess it's time that i do try that as well.
The warm water from the shower felt really great against my tense muscles and I can feel myself relax more and more as the stress slowly washes away. With the knowledge that my family is still waiting outside the door for me, I turn off the shower and step out to dry myself as well as lotion my body up with my favorite cotton candy lotion that daddy bought for me. Back than he told me that he right away thought of me as he saw and smelt it since I am just as sweet as cotton candy. The memory puts a huge smile on my lips. How could I put my family through such a hard time while they tried everything in their power to cheer me up? Why has it taken me so long to realize that I was not only hurting myself but them too?
„Baby Love? Is everything alright in there?" papa asks through the closed door.
„Yeah. Just need to get dressed, then I am done." I softly say. Smiling at the black leggings combined with a tank top and one of daddy's cozy sweaters. Aunt alice really knows what makes me feel the most comfy. The moment I step out of the bathroom all eyes fly to me with smiles on there lips.
„Are you Ready for nonnas food?" Felix asks me with a shy smile as he called her nonna. My face right away brightens. Not only because of the yummy food I will get any second now, but also since my siblings slowly start to call my family theirs as well.
„I think that means yes." uncle Emmet says and lifts me into his bear like arms and carry's me downstairs to an already waiting nonna.

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