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Carmen's pov:
It now has been four and a half months since I last saw my mates in person. Of course it still hurts but thankfully not as bad anymore as at the beginning. Daddy and papa are really happy that i finally started to act like myself again. The first time they heard me giggle again I thought they get a heart attack at their shocked yet awh strucked faces.
„Mia sorellina? Are you ready for school?" alec softly asks from the doorway. He finally started to become more comfortable around us all and accepted the connection he had with all of us. All four of my siblings had a rather hard time to accept that they now have a real family that they can depend on, yet Alec found it the hardest. It's not as if he didn't try, it just was hard for him to allow the thought that we care and won't abandon him along with the others again.
As he sees me smiling towards him he beams right back.
„I am ready." I simply say and take my backpack in my hand. Only a few second later he however takes it out of mine to carry it instead of me. He really is just the sweetest!
„Dad and papa are waiting by the car already." he softly says and I am rather sure that he would be blushing crimson red if he still could blush. Instead of commenting on it though, I simply follow him downstairs where I hug nonna and nonno good bye before we head to the rest of the family already waiting by their cars for us.
„Come on you two, i don't want you all to be late for school again." papa says sternly, yet his eyes stay soft as he looks all of his kids including me over. The second I hop in the car, daddy reminds me to put on my seatbelt like every time we get in the car. Janie already a step ahead of me, quickly clicks in the offending piece so papa could start to drive off. Demi and Felix were driving with our uncle and aunts today.
„Remember to stay close to any of your siblings or papa and I Baby Girl." Daddy softly reminds me as the car stops with squealing tiers in our usual parking spot at school.
„I know daddy." I answer since otherwise we won't be leaving the car any time soon. My parents have become even more protective ever since I have drawn back after my mates have left me months ago. Thankfully they still call me at least two times a day. It feels good to know that they haven't stopped caring. They all always tell me how much they miss me and how irritated they get at times when they see newly paired mates.
„Let's get inside shall we?" papa asks as he opens his car door. All of us following his lead, like pretty much always. Papa truly is the more in charge parent while daddy makes sure everyone feels loved safe and cared for. Of course papa wants that too, I just meant that he is usually the one who leads the way.
„Are you Ready to face that nasty thing again Mia sorellina?" Demi asks as he pulls a protective arm over me. He really is the big protective brother that I always dreamed off. His scowl deepens even more as he sees bella leaning against the entry door where we sadly have to go through.
„What do you want now?" papa asks with hatred dripping in every word as he stood himself in front of all of us. Like always protecting his family no matter against what or whom.
„I just meant to wait for you. You know i am better than all of those losers behind you." She says in her flirty voice that honestly wants me to puke right where I stand. The hateful and threatening growls coming from all around me seem to get completely ignored by her. The second she however reaches her hand out to touch papa, daddy finally had enough it seems.
„Listen bitch, and listen closely because I won't repeat myself again!" he threatingly says as he stood tall and proud in front of her.
„The next time you will try to touch MY husband I am going to make sure you will regret it greatly! And if I even see you looking at anyone of my family ever again, you won't be seeing anything ever again!" he goes on as he towers over a now extremely frightened, yet turned on, looking bella.
„I do hope I made myself clear you worthless little whore!" he hisses the last part before he pushes her out of the way to let us go in without any trouble at all. Papas chuckles are the first thing I hear before the rest of the family joins in, including me of course!
„What happened to not swearing in front of our children?" papa asks with a wide smirk as he pulls daddy flash against his body. His eyes burning with fire, and as if he is only seconds away from pouncing on him. The tremble in daddy's body also lets us all, even including the other students, see what an effect papa has on him. And with three quick steps papa has daddy pinned against a wall and kisses him deeply as daddy simply holds on for the ride it seems.
„I don't think we should let you guys watch them like this. It's not appropriate to see your parents eating each other." uncle Emmet says as he starts to usher the four of us away to give them some sort of privacy, at least from us. Both aunties giggling at them as they help their mate get us all to our classes instead of papa and daddy.
„That was really intense to see our dads like that." Janie softly mumbles as we take a seat in the back next to each other. As bella enters she doesn't even look at us, simply hurry's to one of her buddies to seek comfort it seems.
„She just told them that our dads are still heavily making out in the hallway and how hot she thinks they are like that. Apparently she now wants to get a threesome with the both of them." alec softly whispers to inform me on what she is saying as we all shudder at her disgusting thoughts. As if our parents would ever look at her with anything except hatred.
„She also thinks that Demetri and you are a couple, since he always seems to be touching you when you are anywhere close to each other. And apparently Alec and I join you guys at some times." Janie says. Her face turned into disgust and something that looks like extreme horrification. Since I don't like to see her like that, I simply reach out to her, so I can hold her hand in comfort.
„Don't worry Janie, just because bella thinks like that, doesn't mean it's true. We all know that no one of us would do anything with anyone other than our mate, or in my case mates." I encouragingly say and see her face brighten right away. No idea why she even worried about anything that dumb girl said or thinks in the first place, but then I can't say anything about it, since I too feared her for years, still am to be honest. Shortly after that, the teacher arrived and started the class, completely ignoring the fact that my parents were missing. When the bell finally rang, Janie, Alec and I start to walk towards our second class which is music. A subject we all enjoy the most. Just as I was about to enter the class, a very familiar hand holds me back. The concerned eyes from Demi find mine and making me anxious right away. Jane and Alec also stop right in their Tracks and Walk back outside where Felix also was already waiting for us.
„Our parents got dispelled from the principal." Demi quietly explains and pulls me closer towards him, as he sees my eyes glistening with tears.
„It's fine Mia sorellina, they just told us before they left. They still will pick us up later on. Felix and i simply wanted to tell you, so you won't worry as they won't come to any of your guys classes." he softly says and squeezes me tightly as well as kisses my forehead head lovingly.
„For how long are they expelled?" Janie asks softly while other students keep on watching us in curiosity.
„The whole week. The principal walked in on them." Felix started before clearing his throat slightly.
„As they just started to get a bit too heated for school, Let's say it like that." Demi finishes after sending his brother a look that makes me giggle slightly. They all look at me with soft smiles.
„Just meant to let you guys know. Papa said that we should call them if anything should happen, which we all doubt thought." Felix simply adds as we all nod at him in understanding.
„We should get in class now or we will get in trouble as well." Alec says as we see our teacher slowly walking towards us.
„We will see each other at lunch. And if you need anything Mia sorellin,  just come to us or look for uncle Emmet and our aunts." Demetri adds while looking directly at me. Making sure to remember me that even with our parents not around, they are all here for me no matter what. Afterwards Felix and Demi both kiss my head once more, before they nod with wide smiles at Janie and Alec and leave to get to their classrooms now too.
„Is everything alright with the three of you?" our teacher, an elderly man with grey hair and a soft expression asks us as he stops next to us.
„Everything is ok. Thank you for your concern though Mister Clark's." Alec answers with an appreciative smile. The teacher simply smiled at us, before he ushers us into his classroom and start his class. However Only after whispering to us that he thought it was rather unfair from the principal to discipline our siblings simply because they kissed in the hallway, especially when others run around nearly naked every day.
Yes, Mister Clark's is simply the best teacher ever!

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