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Carmen's pov:
The rest of school was uneventful. Even bella stayed away from all of us. We still could feel her eyes on us from time to time thought, but that should of been expected. Apparently she still is trying to find out who is together with whom. As if anyone of us siblings would start anything with each other! Or even worse with our parents or anyone of our family. She really has a very dirty mind! On top of that I do have already three amazing mates, so no thanks to anyone else.
Just as the last bell rang Mike Newton walked up to Janie Alec and I. His eyes however are solely set on me. Both my siblings standing on either side of me as they look him up and down quite suspiciously.
„Hello Carmen. I wanted to ask you to join me on the dance the school is giving next month." he confidently says. And even if he asked me, he simply expected me to accept it without anything. Maybe even with gratitude that he asked me...Ugh!
„You better fucking keep looking for someone else to join you. She is already taken." Demetri simply states as he pulls me back behind himself while staring mike down until he scurried off in utter fright. The worried eyes of my siblings right away find mine, that instead shine in humor that he even thought I would go with him anywhere at all. As they see me, they also loose the tenseness around their body and simply start to walk towards our parents that are already waiting by the car for us. Daddy still cuddled tightly against papa, whom is holding him close in a possessiv grip. Our aunts and uncle standing by them, talking quietly as we approach them slowly. The smirks on their lips let us know that they listened into the little stunt mike just pulled.
„Thank you guys for looking out for your baby sister like that you four." papa says as all four of them smile proudly for being praised by our papa. They still are not that used to any praises, but they will get used to it in a bit, I am certain about that!
„Demetri? Why don't you drive, your dad is still pretty clingy." papa says as daddy whines as he tried to get away from him. Demi who loves to drive right away jumps into action as papa gets in the passenger seat with daddy on his lap, purring lovingly as he nuzzles into Papa some more. Felix, Who doesn't want to drive alone without us. Simply Squeezes in the backseat along with us and after a second lifts me into his lap so we all fit without a problem.
„Let's Go home my loves." papa says as he looks at all of us with a loving smile. Demi right away pulls out of the parking spot and drives us home without a problem. Slowly we all make our way upstairs where the smell of Esme's delicious food comes from. When I round the last corner, I instantly stop in my track, complete shocked! Slowly my brain however starts to realize what I am seeing right there in front of me. There by the kitchen island are sitting all three of my mates. Tears already start to leak out of my eyes as I slowly walk towards them. My arms already wide open for a hug, an open invite that all three of my mates seem to take rather gratefully. They quickly pull me into a hug with all three of them as they purr happy to be close to me again.
„We missed you so very much Mia cara!" Aro sighs out as he buries his head against my neck, only to inhale my scent deeply into his lungs. Caius copying his brother as he buries his head on my other side, making Marcus whine lowly seemingly feeling left out. So I simply puckre my lips at him as his eyes light up seconds before he kisses me lovingly, right in front of my whole family. Yet I can't get myself to care. I have missed them way too much to care how I should or shouldn't act. I simply follow my instinct, something daddy always told me to do.
„I love you principessa. The last months have been hell!" Marcus whispers while his forehead was still leaning against mine, his eyes closed for a few more seconds before his burgundy red eyes find my Blue ones again. The love and longing clear to see in his eyes as he softly caresses my cheek.
„We are happy you could come to visit our youngest daughter as well as us in general." Papa said welcoming as daddy still clings onto him. Still rather out of it as he keeps on sniffing his mate, namely my papa.
„Of Course. We planned on coming way sooner already as you know, but sadly we had some more trials to hold and things to clear out of the way." Marcus reply's Since Caius and Aro are still not looking to be ready to leave my neck any time soon. The fact that papa knew that my mates were coming makes me pout slightly at him. He however simply smiles in apology.
„Your daddy and i thought it might be best to not tell you. After all your mates weren't sure if they would be able to come today so we stayed quiet." papa explained. My siblings standing by his side as if not sure how they should act around my mates now. They after all still are their masters but they also listen to papa and daddy since they are their parents. Aro, Who has finally lifted his head to peck my lips a few times also sees the hesitation of his prior elite guards.
„The four of you can relax. We understand that you have found yourself a family here in this very coven. The same coven that is our mates family, so no harm will come on anyone here." Aro strongly says to which all four of my siblings seem to calm down a bit daddy even reaches out to include all four of them into the cuddle he still has going on with papa.
Instead of any shock or even a bat of an eye my mates smile softly at them before redirecting their attention back on me.
„How have you been Mia bella? Your parents informed us what a rough time you had at the beginning of our leave." Caius asks as his eyes shine in regret that their departure hurt me this badly. Yet I Of course know that they all were just as hurt by it as myself, so why should I be mad at them for doing what was expected from them.

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