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Edwards pov:
It has been really hard to watch my usually happy, bubbly baby draw back this much. My wonderful mate also gets more and more worried for our daughters health. She truly has become rather thin since she can't seem to eat much, which is frightening us immensely. She after all already had a hard time eating ever since we found her as a baby.
Her mates do call me or my incredible mate once every day to ask us on our opinion How our Carly is really doing. They of course could hear her voice get sadder and weaker from call to call. All three of them sound equally as bad in my opinion. Yet they try to play it cool to instead ask about their mates wellbeing.
Jasper and i even started to contemplate visiting them in Italy. With our daughters ability to vanish into thin air, we could get her to the kings without anyone realizing that she is even there. Still the risk is rather high, which makes us second guess it over and over again.
„What should we do? We can't let her go on like that for much longer. She needs to start to eat again." My love whimpers out with tears in his eyes while his hand keeps on caressing our fast asleep daughter. Sighing heavily at my mates panic for our daughters health. Of course knowing just like him that we need to do something. And pretty soon too!
„I think we will give her three more days." I quietly say as I pull my distraught mate against me some more while also caressing my baby's cheek lovingly. The confused look I get would of been answer enough, still I can hear his mind running around in confusion and the need to help our baby girl.
„The Next three days we will try our best to get her out of her shell again, as well as start to eat again. If she won't, than we will call the kings and ask them to come back or try to sneak our baby to them." I say in finality. The decision clearly made. I honestly was expecting some discussion from my love, but instead he right away agrees. Way too worried for our daughters health to contemplate anything else. Just like me to be completely honest. As the time passes, the rest of the family starts to twinkle back into our youngest room. Everyone really worried for her. It's kind of strange how those four guards have become family within a few days. Whenever i read their minds they are completely grateful that we treat them as if they belong, which obviously they do, while still unsure if they can believe that they have a family now. They also are extremely worried for their baby sister. Sweet Janie even once went to me and cried for nearly a full hour because she is afraid she will loose her after she just found her. It really broke my heart. Not only because it showed me that it in fact is a possibility to loose her, but also at the realization how this all affects my newly found children as well.
We were discussing if it would be a good idea to go back to school with my daughter as she woke up again. Somehow she seems different from the last week and a half. Like there is a small spark back in her eyes as if she finally starts to fight to come back to us again. When she agreed to eat some breakfast I would of loved to simply throw her up in my arms and feed her as much as possible before she could change her mind again.
We all listened closely as she stepped out of the shower and stood still for a few minutes after applying the sickly sweet smelling Cotten candy lotion my darling mate bought her ever since she was four years old.
The moment she reentered her room again, I needed to swallow down my choke up cry. She looks so much more alive! The sweater that Jasper loves to wear hanging loosely around her body as she caresses it lovingly. Before I could say or do anything though, Emmet has her already crushed against himself to carry her to an already waiting Esme. This has been rather hard for her as well, she always loved to cook for her bambina, loved to see her enjoying her cooking.
„I made you some waffles with extra strawberries and some chocolate sauce." Esme softly says as she puts the plate along with a cup of hot cocoa in front of my daughter. She seems rather nervous if this time she will eat at least a little of the freshly made food. It's like we all held our breath as she took the utensils to cut the first piece of waffles quietly.
„They taste really delicious! Thank you nonna." she says after swallowing the first bite. A loving smile adoring her lips while we all just seem shocked yet overjoyed that she finally starts to eat again. Even without the need for us to force her to.
„I am really glad to hear that bambina." Esme says with so much emotion that she nearly choked on it. Yet she try's to hide her tears and simply kisses my daughters cheeks lovingly.
„i Love you, you know that right bambina?" she asks her as she looks at her intensely. Instead of running away like my baby has done the last few times, she simply smiles even wider at her nonna and throws her arms around her.
„Love you too nonna." she whispers and nuzzles her head against her neck. Esme's tearful eyes clash with mine as she breaths in my daughters scent.
„I will let you eat now bambina, don't want to let your food get cold." she softly says and kisses her forehead yet again, before she steps away some more to give her space to eat. My love has watched this interaction just like everyone else seems to be hopeful for the first time in a very long time. He takes a seat next to our daughter which I follow suit.
„Thank you for letting me borrow your sweater daddy. It's really comfy." she thanks her daddy in appreciation after swallowing another bite of waffles down. Usually I am not a big fan of her eating sweet things in the morning, but I am just way too happy that she eats at all to even mention it.
„Papa?" i suddenly hear and feel a tiny warm hand on my cheek. Making me look right into those big blue eyes of my baby.
„I ate all my strawberries, see?" she softly says as she shows me that she indeed ate all her fruit with the maturity of the waffles as well.
„That's Great little Love! I am happy you liked them." I softly say as she keeps on staring right into my eyes.
„Papa?" she once more asks a bit quieter and slightly unsure. My heart right away hurts to see her like that again. So without thinking about it, i simply lift her onto my lap and cuddle her closely into my body like i have done ever since we found her in the woods.
„I am sorry for worrying all of you so much papa." she whimpers in apology and guilt.
„You have nothing to apologize for baby. daddy and I love you, I hope you will never forget that." I simply reply as a reminder that nothing she could do will make us love her even a tiny bit less.
„Love you too Papa." she says as she reaches a Hand sideways towards my love.
„Love you too daddy." she says as she turns her head towards a choked up Jasper. He quickly joins our cuddle as well as kissing our baby's head repeatedly.
Hopefully this is the start to get her back to us!

The Volturi's heart ❤️ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें