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Carmen's pov:
When the three of us make our way back towards our home it has already started to get dark. Yet I don't feel threatened by it, not even one tiny bit. Knowing that as long as my dads are near me no one and nothing would be able to hurt me in any way or form. They would never allow that. On top of that I know the wood around our home just as well as our house. The sounds around us make me relax even more, always loving to be outside. Especially in the woods where everything seems so much more livelier.
„What are we going to do tonight?" I ask my dads and look towards them with a wide smile as they hold hands and walk next to me. They quickly exchange a certain look with one another before daddy sighs softly.
„I am afraid it's dinner and then to bed. It is already rather late and we still have school tomorrow morning baby girl." daddy says making me pout. Hating to have school tomorrow again.
„I know love, but education is important." Papa says with understanding. Knowing fully well that both my dads hate school just as much as I do. Maybe even a tiny bit more since papa hates to hear all the nasty thoughts of all the other students. Daddy also isn't a huge fan of them, especially since some are always eye raping his mate.
„Can't we stay at home? Just tomorrow?" I ask them pleadingly. Not wanting to have to deal with Bella and her clique yet again. They always gang up against me whenever my parents or my uncle and aunts aren't around. Bella even once told me that I must be their fuck toy since there can't be any other reason for them to bother with me when they instead could have her. Alone the thought about that makes my eyes sting with tears once again.
„Hey, Love. What are those tears for?" papa asks me worriedly. Daddy also quickly follows on instinct and pulls me against his chest. Nuzzling my throat lovingly.
„Hey, Papa and i can only help if you tell us what's bothering you sweetie." daddy says so softly I nearly missed it even though he talks against my ear. The choked up cry however prevents the answer i meant to give them.
„were you thinking of that nasty swan girl again love?" papa asks in a hiss as daddy tightens his grip on me at the name alone. The small nod from me seems to be answer enough for them.
„You know that nothing this thing ever said to you is true. Right?" daddy questions me lovingly. And of course they have told me that often enough already, but her words still sting. My fingers automatically tighten around daddy's shirt. Needing the comfort he is willing to offer me way to much to loosen my hold on him any time soon.
„Shh, you are perfectly fine baby girl. Daddy and I will not allow her to hurt you ever again. Not verbally and definitely not physically." Papa shushes me as well as caresses my back soothingly.
„Papa is right, we will not leave your side. Not even for one second. We already switched your schedule to ours." daddy goes on in explanation. Reminding me that they talked with the principal to switch my schedule since they decided that enough was enough after bella pushed me down the three steps last week. Still the fright of facing her again makes my breathing stay rapid.
„Maybe one more day at home wouldn't be so bad babe?" daddy asks papa unsure and hurt that I don't seem to calm down. My head slightly lifts in hope as I look at papa with my swollen eyes from crying so much. The look papa sends me let me know that he doesn't approve of me missing yet another day of school. So I quickly hide my head back agains daddy's neck. The heavy sigh from papa is followed by quietness only disturbed by my choked up cry's.
„Ok. One more day, but than it's back to school young lady." papa says as he lifts my head back up so I have to look him in the eyes.
„Just because I can't bear to see my little love so distraught." he softly says after kissing my forehead lovingly as well as taking me out of daddy's arms to hold me instead.
„Thank you." I whimper and nuzzle right back into his neck. This after all is my most favorite hiding spot. The closeness alone to either of my parents help me calm down since it feels so soothing. The rest of the way was made in a comfortable quietness with only a few soft words spoken.

„There they are! How dare you guys ditch us like that!? We have been out there for hours!" Emmet huffs annoyed as he stomps towards us. When he suddenly stops and gasps it only takes a second longer before his huge body comes into view of me.
„What happened sunshine?" he asks and carefully prys me out of papas arms.
„I am sorry for shouting." he apologizes and cuddles me tightly yet making sure not to crush me with his strength.
„Carly? What happened? Who made my sweet niece cry?" rose asks in slight panic as she quickly looks me over from head to toe to look for any insurys.
„No one hurt her rose, so no need to get on a killing spree. Our daughter simply is afraid of going back to school tomorrow so we will let her stay at home just for one more day." Papa reply's. Obviously reading her mind while she keeps on fussing over me like she always seems to do. At hearing that information though she stops and growls lowly.
„I still don't understand why we can't make that nasty thing pay for what she did!" she hisses while she still keeps on stroking my hair lovingly. Something she has been doing ever since I joined their family. The sighs that follow around us make me stiffen slightly. Not ready for another discussion about Isabella.
„Come here Carly. Your nonna made you some dinner." Nonno says and swiftly takes me out of his children's arms to carry me to my already waiting nonna.
„There our babini is!" she says with a wide smile as she hurry's to her mates side to cuddle me lovingly.
„I made you spaghetti, babini." she softly says making me squeal happily. Nonna is an amazing cook and her Italian food is simply the best!
„So I heard you and your dads were naughty and left your uncle and aunts in the wood without telling them you guys were leaving." she says and laughs slightly at the face I am making.
„And I heard that our babini is staying with us tomorrow instead of going to school." nonno says with a happy smile plastered on his face making me nod happily along with his words much to nonna's joy it seems.
„Thats Great! I can't wait to spend some quality time with our bambina!" she says and kisses my cheek before nodding towards my plate to tell me I should eat now. Still her wide smile never left her face.
„Carlisle said that we still have to go to school tomorrow. So listen to your grandparents and have fun with them alright little love?" papa softly says after I laid down in my comfy bed.
„Gonna miss you baby girl. But you know that papa and I are always only a phone call away." daddy adds and kisses my forehead lovingly. I simply nod at them in reply, simply too tired for a verbal answer. Their soft chuckles only makes me feel even safer and comfier in my bed.
„Sleep tight baby girl. Daddy loves you a ton." daddy says.
„Papa loves you too little love." is the last thing I hear from papa before my eyes fall shut and i am asleep.

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