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Carlisle's pov:
I am sitting stunned on the couch opposite of our kings. Kings that are mated to my sweet bambina. Never have I thought that my son indeed found her biological parents. Even less did I ever think he would be lying about it. Especially to me! I thought he knew he can come to me for everything! Still, now is not the time to dwell on the information my son just has thrown to all of us in the room.
„You know he did the right thing Carlisle. What else where you expecting him to do?" Aro asks me with wonder, hurt as well as devastation in his eyes that he wasn't there as his mate would of needed him the most.
„I know that Aro. It simply shocks me that he has kept that from me till now. Jasper and Edward always declared that they never found her parents." I answer him still sad that my sons never felt safe enough around me to tell me. Did they think i would think less of them? Maybe even throw them out of my family?
„I am sure they simply never meant to worry you my friend. It was obvious that Edward still feels guilty that he hasn't helped his daughters mother." Marcus answers me. Nodding my head in thought. They are right, and even if not, there is nothing we could be doing about that right about now.
„For how long has our mate now been living with you and your family?" Caius asks me interested. Wanting to know more about his mate it seems.
„Slightly over sixteen years. She just turned sixteen fourty-five days ago. Her parents took her to Alaska for her birthday like every year. They always visit the place they found her all those years ago and always visit the place they gardened together as we stayed there. I should of known there is more meaning behind that spot too." I reply as all their conversation slowly start to make way more sense in my mind. Of course they always talked so delicately about their small garden. They truthfully meant the woman that died happily with the knowledge that her daughter gets taken care of.
„So she still is only sixteen years old?" Marcus asks slightly shocked at how young their mate truly is.
„My guess would be that she was about two maybe three months old as they found her, but we all decided to make the day she got found by her parents the day of her birth." I answer them. Letting them know that she is slightly older but still sixteen.
„How long where you and her parents planning on keeping her a secret from us?" Caius asks me still slightly pissed that we haven't informed them sooner about our bambina. I shrug slightly before taking a deep breath.
„Maybe at least two more years." I reply, already knowing that they won't be happy about my answer, so before they can start with their jolting, I simply go on with my explanation.
„We were discussing if we should tell you or not. We never had any problem with letting the three of you know to be honest. The only concern we had was that the more vampires find out about her, the higher the chances are that some of them won't be able to hold themselves off from hurting or even killing her. So we decided to wait until she is old enough to get turned before informing you and everyone else about my bambina." i explain and see them calming down. Seemingly accepting our reasoning.
„You haven't stayed quiet about it because your seer saw that she is our mate?" Caius asks suspiciously, shocking me at the thought alone. They must of also interpreted my look for the right thing since they calm down again without me even saying anything. Still I decide to tell them that Alice can't See Carly's future. That news seems to surprise them quit a bit.
„Thinking about it, I also wasn't able to see her in any Of your guys memory either." Aro deadpans.
„It also is unheard of a human being so gifted in terms of her being able to vanish into thin air. Even taking others with her too." he adds with an afterthought. Both his brothers nod along with his statement.
„We have been looking into that ever since we figured out that she can do that, till now we weren't however able to find anything." I explain as they seem impressed that we did try to get to the bottom of it as well. When we hear my study room open up again, we all stay quiet. No one of us wants to worry our sweet girl after how frightened she was before. The happy giggle that I hear from her makes my smile widen even more. She truly is our little sunshine, just like Emmet always calls her.
„Nonno? Papa said i can get some ice cream!" she happily says as she hangs onto Edwards back with nothing but joy radiating off of the both of them as Jasper walks close behind them to catch her if she should fall. Like always the overprotective dad that he is.
„Thats Great bambina! It's not often your papa is fine with treats before dinner. I say you take advantage of that and take an extra large cup." I say and wink at her as she giggles even louder at the possibility alone. The foul look from Edward is quickly ignored by me as well as the others around. Everyone way too intrigued with seeing our darling this Happy. Especially after such a stressful day for her!
„Can I get a big one papa? Pretty please?" she asks him hopeful and honest love in her eyes for her parents that even Edward forgets his no treats before dinner rule and instead nods his head at her before kissing her forehead lovingly.
„Ok. But you still have to eat dinner later on." he reminds her softly to which she simply agrees to. And to be honest here, everyone of us knows that she won't be able to eat that much dinner if she truly gets to eat such a huge treat now. Our darling is still not too good with that much food.
„I know." Edward says quietly so his happily bouncing daughter won't Here it. Still he looks happy that she is that excited. She deserves the treat after this day.
„Can we come along with you Mia cara?" aro asks hopeful and after some thinking Carly nods her head in agreement.
„Thank you principessa!" Marcus says with love and joy. It really is good to see my old friend so happy again. He has become a shell of himself after what had happened to Dydime.

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