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Carmen's pov:
The deep sigh leaving my papa as well as the relieved look makes me breath a little easier. Guess their worry didn't turn out to be true. When he however sees the earlier sad one looking expectingly towards him, he stiffens right back up again.
„Marcus my brother, what is going on?" Aro asks. Finally giving me a name to the previous sad looking one. Instead of answering him, he simply holds out his hand towards Aro who takes it quit greedily. He also gasps in shock and happiness. What is going on. Papas eyes get even more worried than they have been the whole time.
„Edward, i would like to see how you have been throughout the last years. As far as I have heard and seen through Carlisles Memory, you have been quit happy with your mate." Aro says making Papa stiffen up even more. Still he softly pecks daddy's lip lovingly and walks towards Aro after one more tight squeeze to his mates hand. I hate to see papa so stiff, it doesn't suit him at all. He has always been the strongest out of us all. When Aro lets go of papas hand again he right away walks back to daddy with a reassuring smile.
„Well, I do have to say that I find it quit interesting that I can't see any new members of your family in your guys memories, while my dear brother saw a young girl hiding behind the two of you." Aro states strongly. Seemingly getting quit irritated by the lack of information he got. By what he just said I also realized that he must be able to read minds as well, just like papa.
„So since I see our dear Carlisle as one of my closest and oldest friend, I will give you the chance to explain yourself right now. Others wouldn't get that chance, so I suggest you take it." he said as his voice gets deeper until it is a low growl in the end. Nonno looks towards papa, seemingly talking with him through his mind. The Volturi's also seem to understand what this meant since they growl lowly. Showing that they are getting rather impatient with my family.
„If we could probably talk to you and your brothers alone." nonno softly says after one more shake of papas head. The four guards standing closest to the kings quickly growl threateningly, making me shake in fright. How could this day go so downhill? Would they of acted like that if I went to school too? If not, than it's my fault my family gets hurt! Aro simply lifts one of his arms and they right away quiten down.
„If I send everyone except my brothers and our most trusted guards away." Aro starts to say. Looking my whole family deeply in the eyes as if to show them he means business.
„Are you going to tell us the truth?" he adds after my family has nodded their heads as a sign they understood.
„And I especially am asking the both of you, since by the looks of it you are the driven force behind this." Aro states with a dead serious voice as he looks at my parents. They look at one another before they nod with a heavy sigh. Seemingly knowing that there is no way around telling them about me now anyway.
„You guys are dismissed. We will catch up with all of you in Seattle." Caius says with an unpleasant frown on his face. Obviously not happy with his brothers decision. Still they all seem to follow his instruction since the room was suddenly empty except the few that got allowed to stay.
„Now, I want to know what is being played here. Because I won't tolerate you hiding my brothers and i's mate from us." Aro sternly says making me shudder. What does he mean with their mate? The pained look on daddy's face makes me worry for him so much so that I quickly get out of my hiding spot and run towards him. Forgetting the fact that he will get invisible along with me. Not caring either. He needs a hug just like I need it myself.
„Baby Girl! I am so sorry! I never meant for anything like that to happen to you." daddy says and lifts me into his arms to hold me tightly. The irritated gasps and the few growls around us were ignored by us for the time being. Instead we simply enjoy this short moment where we can simply hold onto each other.
„I love you so much baby girl!" he softly says as he caresses my cheek lovingly. His eyes brimmed with tears again.
„Edward, i want answers and I want them now! And don't you even think of disappearing as well!" Aro threateningly growls out, making daddy and i look up towards a now in pain grinching papa. Daddy and I can't do anything but watch as papa slowly falls towards the floor, still he doesn't make a sound at all. Without thinking too much into it and after a small nod from daddy I make us visible again. The moment they see that we are back now, everything seems to stop. Everything but papa, since he jumps up and hugs me along with daddy into his protective chest.
„Everything is ok little Love. Papa loves you." he softly whispers and kisses the side of my head repeatedly. When a throat gets cleared he slowly and only after pecking daddy's lips and my head again, he turns towards the group of Volturi's still standing there.
„The Girl?" Aro simply says. Yet his voice sounds so much softer than before.
„Is jaspers and i's daughter." Papa simply states matter of factly. Another growl makes me tremble slightly.
„Papa?" i ask still afraid that they will hurt him again. His familiar hand right away starts to caress my back reassuringly.
„You are perfectly safe little love." he softly says and kisses my head again while my eyes find his with a look of uncertainty.
„Hello There principessa. My name is Marcus and I am very happy to finally meet you." the prior sad one says with so much love that I nearly didn't care that he suddenly is standing so close before my parents and I. He must of seen my slightly worried look since he smiles lovingly at me.
„Your Papa is right principessa, you are perfectly fine. No one will dare hurt you. I promise you!" he strongly says, seemingly wanting me to believe him. Papas slight nod also lets me know that he is telling the truth.
„Our brother is right mia bella. No one will ever dare hurt you." the blond one reassuringly says as he and Aro step next to Marcus. All three Of them looking at me in adoration which does feel nice even though it confuses me.

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