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Carmen's pov:
When I slowly start to wake up again, I still feel rather fuzzy yet really warm. The low purring coming from all around me makes me sigh in delight. My head automatically nuzzles back into my very comfy pillow only for the pillow to start to move slightly. Confused and with a whine leaving my mouth, I lift my head enough to look around. Only now do I see that my pillow was in fact Caius chest. His loving smile makes me smile right back at him while my brain still try's to work through the fog that doesn't seem to want to lift any time soon.
„Are you still a bit floaty principessa?" Marcus asks me as my head quickly turns towards him. My arms right away lift in the air. Wanting to be really close to him. I don't even know what it is but I need to be close with my mates, especially Marcus. My eyes already brimming with tears since he makes no move to pick me up or get any closer to me. As he sees my reaction he picks me up so fast that I wasn't even able to see it coming. His purring gets even louder as I grab his button up shirt tightly. Not wanting to let go any time soon, or ever.
„Shh, you are perfectly safe principessa." he softly says and nuzzles my neck which does help me relax a bit. My brain still not able to form any coherent thoughts, which makes me feel unsure of myself.
„I know mon amor. Your brain still feels fuzzy right?" Marcus asks seemingly knowing exactly how I am feeling and why. My eyes find him in hope that he can help me understand. Just as he opened his mouth there is a knock on the door. Only now do I realize that we aren't in my room at all. Instead we are in my parents room. How did we get here? The growls that suddenly come from the bed make me panic and try to hide myself the best I can against Marcus. He will keep me safe, I know he will.
„Quiet you two." Marcus sternly says and makes me shudder in awareness and uncertainty. Not knowing if he might of meant me as well. Did I do something wrong.
„Shh, my tiny mate. You are safe. You are so good for me." Marcus softly says and kisses my neck. The panic falling off of me just like that. As the knock was once more heard Marcus walks towards the door with me still held protectively in his arms. As the door opens up, I see daddy and papa look really worried until they see me cuddled safely into one of my mates arms.
„Papa? Daddy?" I whimper slightly and reach one of my hands out towards them. They simply smile lovingly as daddy carefully takes me out of Markus arms to cuddle me into himself like he has done ever since they took me in as little baby.
„How is my baby girl doing today?" he asks me while kissing my forehead every so often. Instead of answering vocally I simply make myself comfortable in his arms and lay my head against his chest with a soft smile. Who cares that my brain isn't working still. As long as I have my parents and mates around nothing could happen. The rest of the family might be missing right now, but I know that they won't be too far away which soothes me even more. As Papa caresses my back he seems slightly shocked before an even wider smile spreads around his face.
„That's right Little Love, your siblings along with the rest of the family are only in the living room. We just thought too many people might overwhelm you." papa softly explains. Strangely enough able to hear my thoughts. That or he just can read me extremely well.
„It's ok baby love. Everything is perfectly fine." Papa simply says as he sees my curious eyes. He just like daddy kisses my forehead and head repeatedly.
„My principessa just woke up. Still rather fuzzy I would say." I hear Marcus say in explanation as my parents only nod along while still kissing and cuddling me lovingly. Aro and Caius growl lowly from the bed.
„Be still Boys." Marcus simply says sternly making me shudder in awareness as a small whimper leaves my lips.
„Shh. Your are save, my perfect tiny mate." Marcus softly says and squeezes my hand softly. Grounding me instantly as my heartbeat slows down yet again. Another way softer knock as before let's us all look at the door in confusion and irritation. Still I keep my head right on daddy's chest, feeling way too comfy to move away from him.
„We are very sorry for interrupting, but we figured that our Mia sorellina should eat at lest a bit." Janie says with my other siblings standing next to her as Alec holds a plate filled with cut up fruits while Felix holds a cup of water. Demi simply looks at me from head to toe as if looking for any injuries.
„Bubba." I simply say with a smile hoping to calm him down since he seems to be rather worried about me. The others of course as well but Demi as the oldest always feels the need to keep us all safe and sound.
„Are you feeling Alright Mia sorellina?" he questions and comes closer so he can hug me against daddy. The growls from before sound off again, this time even louder and more threateningly. Still Demi doesn't budge, he simply smiles reassuringly at me. As I suddenly see Caius and Aro's murderous glare, my eyes widen in fright, seconds before I make my whole family along with me vanish into thin air. My breathing irregular as my heart beats rapidly. My fuzzy head still makes this situation even more terrifying.
„I told you to be quiet! Our little mate is overwhelmed as it is and you frightening her isn't helping at all." Marcus lectures my other mates who look hurt and frightened at the fact they can't see me any longer. That or that Marcus was mad at them.
„Sorry." both of them mumble as they seem to realize that they frightened me this badly.
„You are safe baby girl. It's ok." daddy softly whispers and kisses my forehead. Papa hugging the two of us into himself as he purrs lowly.
„Mia sorellina?" alec asks and comes closer towards our little huddle.
„Come here. All four of you." Papa says and opens his arms and only a second later all my siblings join our hug as they all purr softly, making me sigh in relief.
„Principessa? Can you please come back to us? We miss you already terribly." Marcus softly says with Aro and Caius standing next to him. All of them look lonely and hopeful to get me back in their arms again.
„Why don't you make us all visible again baby girl?" daddy questions as he nuzzles my head lovingly. My brain still confused on what he even means by that. How should I make us visible again? My panic rising yet again at the fact that my brain doesn't seem to want to cooperate with me. And the harder I try the fuzzier everything gets again.
„Shh baby, we will figure everything out. Lets sit down and eat your fruits that your siblings brought you." papa shushes me and picks me out of daddy's arms.
„That was very sweet of the four of you. Very thoughtful." he adds and I see them smiling widely in total bliss that papa praised them.
„Very thoughtful my darlings. I am very proud of you." daddy adds as they beam even wider. Papa sits me on his lap by the window seat we often read together as Alec hands over the plate along with a fork. When I see that most of the fruits are strawberries along with melons I smile in joy. They really know what my favorites are.
„Babe? Try to write them on the notebook over there that we will need some time to get the fuzziness away before our baby can get us back to them." Papa simply says as my eyes widen yet again. Does that mean if I can't remember how to get us back we will stay invisible forever.
„No need to worry baby love." papa softly says.
„We haven't spend some family time all together in quite some time with school and all. So why don't we use this time for that right now?" papa adds with a smile making me squeal in delight. Always loving to spend time with my family.

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