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Carmen's pov:
It really feels amazing to be surrounded by my family. Especially since they all seem just as relaxed and happy as I myself am. All of us throughly enjoying our very needed bonding time.
„Hey There principessa." Marcus suddenly says with a soft smile as he watches me from behind daddy. My other two mates standing next to him with an equally loving expression.
„Hi." I whisper and smile shyly at my mates while my family simply smiles my way. Papa, Who still has me sitting on his lap, softly nudges me with encouraging eyes. Seemingly wanting me to go and hug my mates. Still I am not too sure if I should go closer towards them or not. The memory of how Caius and Aro glared at my family and I still frightens me.
„It's ok baby love. They were only jealous." papa explains as daddy simply squeezes my hand in quiet support. The whines coming from my mates clenches my heart painfully. But I still can't ignore the fact that they were going to attack my sweet siblings who only meant to comfort me as my brain was feeling all fuzzy. Demi the always surveying vampire that he is, slowly crouches down in front of me and takes the hand that isn't held by daddy. His deep red eyes shining with love and understanding but also with some sort of determination. No idea for what though.
„I know you are unsure how to behave with them right now Mia sorellina." he slowly starts to say as they whine yet again. This time even louder than earlier. And I would be lying if I say that it doesn't hurt really badly...
„But they are your mates and they love you. I am sure they would never hurt you in any way or form." he goes on with absolute certainty. Yet I dont feel any better or more sure about them. Maybe they truly wouldn't hurt me, but what about my family? No one is allowed to hurt them either! Just the thought that someone would do that makes me panic slightly. As I however meant to voice my concern to my family, Papa shushes me lovingly. Even going as far as patting my knee to help me calm down since my breathing got slightly irregular.
„They wouldn't hurt your siblings either baby love." he states matter of factly as if he knows that for a hundred percent certainty. The gasps that were heard in the room got completely ignored by me. Way too confused on how papa could be so sure about that. Has he already forgotten how they growled and marched towards us not that long ago!?
„May i?" Marcus asks carefully. Seemingly waiting for my family to nod their agreement, before he slowly, as if he doesn't want to scare me even more, walks closer towards me. When he gets a bit too close to a still crouching Demi, I tighten my hold on him and pull him closer towards me. Not liking for my brother to be so close to a possible threat. Not wanting anyone of my family that close to a threat to be completely honest. My eyes blown wide in fright what my mate may do now. I can feel my body starting to shake as my mind gets more fuzzy again while forming the need to make my family along with me invisible again. Again loud whines were heard, making me quickly concentrate back on Marcus who right away stops in his tracks a few steps away from me. His eyes seem very sad as he watches me closely. Seemingly realizing how frightened I truly am for my family's life right at the moment. It doesn't feel good at all to be this unsure of my own mates, but I can't help it!
„Principessa, do you really think we would hurt you or anyone from your family?" he asks me in a pained voice. His red eyes brimmed with tears, making me second guess my thoughts quit a bit. Still I don't want to risk anything!
„Careful Mia sorellina." alec suddenly says and softly pulls my bottom lip out from between my teeth. Guess I started to knaw on my bottom lip like pretty much always when i feel stressed or am nervous.
„Sorry." i whisper since I know how much my family hates it when I do that. After all, they don't like the thought of me being hurt or like right now, hurting myself.
„No need to apologize baby girl. We know you can't help it." daddy simply says and kisses my temple lovingly as my siblings take a seat next to our parents and me. Wanting to show me their support and love, at least I think that's what they meant to do.
„Why don't you listen to what your mates want to tell you Mia sorellina?" Janie asks me softly. Also giving me an easy way out of it if I should be not ready just yet. But I think she is right. The knowledge alone that my family is here, supporting me like they always do, also helps me decide on listening to what my mates want to say. Instead of vocally answering though, I simply turn my head to look directly at Marcus. Not because I don't want to talk to them though, but because I am not sure I could form a coherent sentence at the moment. My brain still feels slightly fuzzy and this whole situation also confuses me as well as frightens me quit a bit! Marcus however also seems to understand what that means since he simply smiles thankfully at me before he waves the other two to his side as well.
„We really are very sorry that we frightened you like that Mia Bella." Caius says. His eyes completely glassy from tears as he holds tightly onto Marcus hand as if he needs his support right now. He looks so devastated and even frightened, An expression I would of never expected on my normally strong Caius.
„Caius is right Mia cara. We never meant to make you think that we would ever hurt your family either. We know how much you love them and how important they are to you." Aro goes on, just like his brother he holds tightly onto Marcus as well. They both look as if they wouldn't be able to be standing upright without their brothers support right about now.
„I swear principessa, we will never ever hurt you nor your family! That's the furthest we will ever do!" Marcus goes on with their explanation. And I do have to say that I believe them. They look and sound so sincere that my heart beats a bit faster in relief that my mates truly never would hurt my family. It helps me put my mind at ease. Still their current position confuses me. I mean I do understand that they are very close, they after all are brothers. But it looks so intime that it makes me question their true connection.
„Why don't we talk about the thing you told us yesterday evening? My baby is sensing that there is still something that you keep away from her." papa asks but honestly states. That of course only confuses me more. My suspicion skyrocketing at all the possibilities they can hide from me. It also irritates me that papa said they talked yesterday about it!? How comes that I don't remember anything about that?

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