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After playing a few games, Gu Siyi said goodbye to them and went back to the dormitory.

She came early in the morning and didn't come when she made the bed and tidyed up. When I returned to the dormitory again, there were already two girls.

Gu Siyi took the initiative to say hello to them and introduced himself: "My name is Gu Siyi, Class Six, Grade One of Senior High School."

"My name is Xu Lin. I was promoted to junior high school. I used to be Class Eight." The shoulder-length-length girl smiled brightly, "We are all in Class Six in our bed."

Another short-haired girl was sorting out the book and said as she was doing it, "My name is Lan Xiaoqiu. I used to be in Class One." The voice is as light as a person.

Everyone reported to their own families. Gu Siyi said, "I'm from City B. I'm not familiar with the school yet."

She saw Xu Lin preparing to make the bed and stepped forward to help.

The two of them worked while chatting and got it done in a moment.

Gu Siyi went to help Lan Xiaoqiu again. She didn't refuse and said "thank you" faintly, politely and alienated.

By the time for dinner, another classmate had not come yet.

Xu Lin said, "Let's go to dinner first. Maybe she will arrive tomorrow."

So the three set out together for the canteen.

Along the way, Xu Lin happily recalled the famous people and things of Gu Si's popular science school.

She said in a particularly mysterious expression and tone, "Do you know what the treasure of our school is?"

Gu Siyi thought for a moment and said, "Be yourself?"

This is the lesson of Longxing Middle School, engraved on the stone tablet next to the school gate.

Because of this school motto, her resistance to the school has been greatly reduced and she has a lot of good impressions.

"..." Xu Lin's head is full of black lines.

Xu Lin saved the way to go straight to the theme: "The treasure of the town school is Xia Zhijun! Have you seen the glory list? He ranks first, who is the god against heaven and ranks first every year. He is not the whole school, but the whole city! He is not only good at learning, but also tall and handsome, but also elected with the highest vote every time he selects the school grass.

"Oh..." Gu Siyi nodded slowly.

"I'll tell you good news!" Xu Lin said with a secretly happy face, "Xia Zhijun is in the same class as us, class one and class six in senior high school!" You don't know how much my old classmates envy me. From now on, I can see Xia Zhijun's prosperous beauty every day when I turn my head.

Gu Siyi smiled and couldn't help relaxing.

It's different from the atmosphere she imagined that she didn't turn a deaf ear to things outside the window and raced to study against time. It turned out that people in key middle schools would also be crazy about gossip, which was good.

When the two were chatting, Lan Xiaoqiu didn't talk much.

Entering the canteen, Lan Xiaoqiu went to the bathroom. Xu Lin whispered to Gu Siyi, "Classes are arranged according to grades in junior high school. She used to be in Class One and was a classmate with Xia Zhijun. The top ten figures in the grade are so arrogant that they don't like to talk to others."

Gu Siyi smiled and said, "It should be introverted and not talkative."

When Lan Xiaoqiu came out of the bathroom, the three of them went to get the plate together.

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