115 (Extra)

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"I... I'm starving to death!" Zheng Peipei said angrily, "You can starve me to death!"

Another bag appeared on Lu Jiaye's other hand and handed it to her, "The dumplings I brought you have a stomach first."

"..." Zheng Peipei's expression eased in an instant. If he didn't eat, he had to rebel. If he had something to eat, he could calm down.

Zheng Peipei took the dumplings, turned around and entered the room. He sat at the table and ate happily.

It's very hot, delicious, fresh and juicy, but unfortunately it's too little, only six.

"Why do you buy so little...not enough to eat..." Zheng Peipei was heartbroken after eating half of the bites.

Lu Jiaye took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, walked to the kitchen, and said as he walked, "This is an appetizer. Let's have a big meal later."

Zheng Peipei turned to look at him and said, "Wow, are you going to cook lunch yourself? Didn't you eat out?"

"That restaurant doesn't suit your appetite. Why don't you come back and do it yourself?" Lu Jiaye went into the kitchen.

Thinking about having a big meal later, Zheng Peipei ate the remaining dumplings steadily.

She walked to the bar and looked at Lu Jiaye, who was busy in the open kitchen at the other end.

Just sit down and hold your head to see his busy figure.

Zheng Peipei: "You have been fooling around in the United States for a few years and have developed a lot of survival skills."

She is really a loser in cooking. You can't live without takeout.

"Get out of here, you fool around! I'm far away from my hometown and studying in a foreign country! Is it easy for me?"

Seeing that he waved the pot and shovels as if he were going on strike at any time, Zheng Peipei hurried to appease and said, "It's not easy. It's not easy. Thank you for your hard work, boss."

Lu Jiaye hummed softly and continued to cook and stir-fry.

Half an hour later, a rich set of three dishes, one soup, two meat and one vegetarian was brought to the bar.

The aroma is fragrant, the color is bright, and there is a sense of freshness of ingredients.

Lu Jiaye sat down opposite her, glanced, and commanded, "Why don't you go to serve dinner?"

Zheng Peipei immediately went to serve dinner for the two of them.

"Fresh out of the pot is different from the takeaway delivered." Zheng Peipei sighed.

"Nonsense, the delivery of takeaways has become old."

"Boy, why don't you open another restaurant? Your chef specializes in customized meals. I promise that business is booming!"

"Kra, I don't have such noble sentiments to serve the people. I have to make more money and save my wife's capital now."

"The boss is so rich, are you afraid that your wife won't spend enough?"

"That's maybe. In case my wife likes to buy, I can't hold on to buy all kinds of limited editions without money."

Zheng Peipei gave a thumbs-up, "Good man, good husband."

Lu Jiaye accepted the praise calmly.

Zheng Peipei kindly advised, "Then you should make your Lu girl one. If you change different girls every day, your wife will have to spend it all."

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