Chapter 3 ~ Dimples

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It's been a week since I got to Seattle and today is now the first day of school. Me and Abby got up pretty early to head to school. Plus Abby wanted to get coffee. I was wearing a sage green shirt with baggy jeans and my white sneakers.

Me and Abby have been getting to know each other this past week. I dare I say she gave me the best friend title? Yes I am now her best friend for life. She tells me she never had a best friend but it made sense to become friends since we share a dorm.

Abby has been nothing but sweet to me this entire time. I think it was time to put a label on it. I went to the store and got us matching rings. Both rings have each other's initials. I know we both love rings so it was more fitting than a necklace.

She loved them so much she didn't let me go the rest of the night and we cuddled on the couch. I think I found my person.

She stopped in the front to wait for her boyfriend. I think his name was Dylan. I told her I was going to head to my first class. Abby and I don't have any classes together since we are studying different things.

I got to my first class and see a few people sitting down and waiting for class to start. I walk up to the teacher and give him my form. He nods to me and shakes my hand and tells me to pick a spot. I chose to sit in the third row since I want to be able to pay attention better.

I take out my notebook and start writing goals for this year. Yes I'm that productive person, don't come for me. I also write about my morning so far in my journal. I make sure to text my parents updates about what's going on so that they can know about my day.

After about ten minutes of doing that the bell rings and more students pile into the classroom. I put my stuff away and take out a pen and paper just in case we need to write anything down.


After my other dragged along for forty minutes, I got my bag ready and started to head to my next period which was Chem 101. Since I'm studying to be a Bio Professor, I have to take Chemistry, Earth Science, Human Science, and Biology of course. As I go up in college years though they will get worse. I thought Human Science was Biology but I guess they are slightly different.

I sat down in a chair in the front and got out my notebook that had the name 'Chem 101' on it. I listen to the rest of the class and participate. Towards the end of the class I notice that there are guys in the back of the class that are being super loud. I turn my head back to look at them after the teacher yells at them and see them calming down.

Before I turn around I see one guy looking at me just staring. I recognize him as the guy who held the door open for me at the café. I give him a smile which he returns and I turn back around thinking about him as class drags on even more.


I survived most of my periods, and now it's break. Since I only have four periods my schedule is fit for those who have a smaller schedule. I do have break with Abby though. I'm grateful for that because I would have died if I didn't.

We sat at her boyfriend Dylan's table. There is him and a few of the other hockey players as well, but no Elias.

"So how was your classes?" Abby asks me and I shrug. "They were good but they were a little boring because it's the first day of school and all they talked about was the school policy and rules." She nods. "I don't know how you could study Biology, science bores me." She says and I chuckle.

Me and Abby talk for a little longer till I start to feel the guy next to me rub his arm against mine. I don't direct my attention towards him and I chose to ignore it.

It doesn't stop so I scoot closer to Abby trying to give her a hint. Thankfully she looks at me and sees what's going on but before she could say anything the guy groans in pain and we look to see Elias.

"Did your mom ever teach you not to touch a woman like that?" He says and I can't help but stare. Elias gives me a small smile and nod. The guy mutters sorry while I just nod and keep my head low. I look back up and see Elias had left and so have most of the hockey team including the guy.

The bell rings and me and Abby get up and head our separate ways to our last classes.


After school had let out I went to my car and threw my bag in the back. I back out of the parking lot and head to Mae's Café. Such a cute name.

I order an iced tea and go and wait for my order. I decided to take out my first day of school work and start to work on it.

I must have not been paying attention because I see that an ice tea is being placed on my table with a muscular hand.

I look up and see Elias putting my drink down and I look at him with my mouth agape.

"Don't mean to intrude on your work but your ice tea has been done for five minutes now and they called your name ten times. I decided to bring it to you since you were in the zone." He says and my goodness his voice just makes me want to melt into a puddle.

He looks so much sweeter from up close. I love that his dimples are so deep that even with a small smile they pop right out.

"Oh uh thank you." I say and grab my iced tea and take a sip. "That's good tea." I say and hear him chuckle. He sits in the chair across from me and sips on his coffee.

"You French?" He asks and I nod which he returns. "I thought your accent is beautiful and you seem to know how to speak English well." He says which makes my heart flutter.

"Thank you, yeah I was born and raised in France so it's my first language." I say and he smiles at me. And his dimples!

"What are you studying?" He asks and I look down at the work that I have been working on this whole time. "Biology" I say and he nods. "That's nice, you want to do something with science in the future?" I nod "I want to be a Bio Professor"

He smiles and I return it. I'm about to speak when someone calls out to him. It looks like a guy on the team.

"I have to go, it was nice seeing you again you" He gives me yet another smile which I smile back too. I say "You too" And he walks away.


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