Chapter 16 ~ T-Swift

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"Want any music?' I ask and she nods. I haven't told her where I'm taking her. But after much thought and going there again, I realized that it screams Fayette. I know that she will like this.

It also gives me a chance to tell her more about me and she can tell me more about her. I don't know what she and Abby were talking about at dinner, but I was confused. I hope that I prove myself enough for her to let me in.

I hand her my phone. "1977" I say, giving her my password. "Someone is going to break into your phone if you keep that password" She says and I laugh. "If you go to my Spotify I have a couple playlists there." I say and she nods.

Two minutes later I hear her gasp and freak out, "What's wrong?" I am concerned now about driving slow.

"You listen to Taylor Swift!?" She exclaims and I relax. "Yes I do, In fact she is my celeb crush and I have been listening to her since I was little. I grew up with two older sisters so that's where it came from" I give her a smile.

"That's so sweet! I love Taylor. I went to one of her concerts and the meet and greet" My jaw drops. "You're joking." She pulls out her phone and scrolls far up in her camera roll.

Low and behold is a picture of young Fay side hugging Taylor at a concert. "This was my first time in America. I remember going with a friend."

"Lucky" I say kind of jealous of her. She laughs at me and plays that playlist.

Taylor starts to blast through my speakers and me and Fay start to bob our heads to the beat.

"I remember when we broke up, the first time I said 'this is it I've had enough cause like we haven't seen each other in a month when you said you needed space, what?' She sings

"Then you come around and say baby I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me remember how that lasted for a day. I say I hate you. we break up, you call me, I love you." I sing back now smiling wide just like her.

"Ooooo you called me up again last night like ooh but this time I'm telling you I'm telling you." We both start to sing a little bit louder.

"WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER, WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER!" We scream at the top of our lungs and we can't hold back the smiles that come onto our faces.

"YOU GO TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS, TALK TO MY FRIENDS, TALK TO ME. BUT WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER." We sing so freely that there is no one else in the world but us right now.

She is glowing as she sings, clearly enjoying that me and her share the same energy when it comes to Taylor Swift. I look over to her while singing and see the light in her eyes and she closes down a wall and lets me see this goofy side of her.

After singing our hearts out to songs for a good 20 minutes. We finally arrived at our destination. I open my door and come around to her side and help her out of my big truck.

I led her into a grassland. This grassland is where me and my family used to have picnics and hang out. The field has flowers surrounding it and then there is a lake closing in the field. We go over a bridge over the lake and make it to the grass field.

I hear her gasp and I turn to her. "I hope you like it." I say and she nods quickly. "It's beautiful Elias." She walks towards the middle of the field and gathers a single flower. She puts it behind her ear.

Then she grabs me one and does the same. I let her do that as I watched her in awe taking this place in.

"Elias, this is amazing. Thank you for bringing me here." She looks in my eyes and I bend down and hug her. She hugs me back and I can hear her sniffle a little bit. I pull away. "Fay, don't cry" I say wiping under her eyes.

"These are happy tears Eli." She laughs. She goes to lay down in the grass and I do the same. I lay next to her as we watched the stars.

We sit in a comfortable silence until she speaks up. "I'm sorry for making a scene at dinner." She turns her head to the side to look at me. I turn my head as well. "It's okay, really." I say and she shakes her head 'no'

"No it's not because I was overthinking and ruined the whole night." She moves her head to look back at the sky.

"You ruined nothing, do you wanna talk about it?" I ask and she sighs. "It's nothing, it's just that, I moved here to study right?" I nod my head.

"Well my parents were supportive and so were my friends. They all understood why I couldn't study there in France. I had a boyfriend and his name was Leo. We had been dating for 2 years, We were high school sweethearts." I nod for her to go on.

"Well after I told him I was leaving him... he got upset. And he lashed out on me. He didn't hit me but he was angry. The one person I thought would be my biggest fan hated me for the decision I made. I never saw him again. Sometimes I have doubts that he was the one and I let him go. Sometimes I regret coming here." She starts to cry.

I sit up and pull her up with me. I cup her face and she looks at me with teary eyes. "Fay, you made no mistake coming here. This is what is going to help your future. And you're going to find someone who loves you for you and accepts you. The right person will come. Don't waste your tears on him."

I can't believe she has been feeling like this. I wanted nothing more than to punch the guy. Fay has no idea what she has done for me. Not just me, but Cole and Abby too. Fayette is and never will be a burden to us. We will always know her as the girl who saved and helped most of us from ourselves.

"Fay" I say in a soft voice and she turns to me. "You're not a burden. You did the right thing by being selfish." She nods.

"Now that I'm here and have amazing friends like you guys, I don't think I ever want to leave." She smiles at me. We sat in silence for a while.

After a while Fay started to get tired. It was around 1 in the morning and we both had to be up tomorrow.

We drive in silence, Fay has her head up against the window. I look at her every once a while. I put my hand on the gear shift and held it there.

Seconds later I feel something messing with my rings. "I like your rings" She says and I smile. She picks up my hand and puts it over her. She starts to play with the rings more.

I don't even noticed we are at the dorms until she stops playing with my hand and starts getting out of the car. We walk without speaking and I walk her to her dorm.

I make sure she gets there safely and turns to go back to the elevator. As I was walking I was feeling that comfort that I longed for a long time.

Fay finally opened up to me and she did it all by herself. She is someone who I can go to for anything and that's what makes her Fay. I felt some sort of overprotectiveness when she told me about her ex. That guy was a jerk for telling her she was in the wrong.

I just hope for Fay that she understands she is everything you need in a friend. She deserves the world.

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