Chapter 21 ~ Road trip

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"Abby I can't find my charger!" I yell and Abby comes running in our room with my charger.

"Thank you" I say and she nods.

It's the morning we are leaving for Paris and to say I'm stressed out is an understatement. Even though we don't have to worry about the plane leaving, it's still stressful since we planned this out to go with our plans.

It's currently 1 in the morning and I got zero sleep last night. None, in fact I know I'm going to sleep on the plane. We have been packing our stuff along with the boys running back and forth to our dorms for stuff.

This is why we are getting an apartment together. It makes life easier for all of us. The boys are loading our luggage into Cole's truck while me and Abby are grabbing last minute things.

"I think that's everything" I mutter. I turn off all the lights and unplug everything. Don't need to come home to a fire or something.

"Abb's! Are you ready?!" I shout.

Abby comes running into the living room that is filled with boxes of our stuff. "Mhm, oh and did you say you were going to bring more stuff back here since we will have more room?" I nod.

"Yeah, there's a lot of stuff I wanted to take but I knew the dorm was small."

Elias and Cole walk in the dorm. "Ready?" Cole asks and hands Abby his water to sip on. Abby is still a little bit worked up since the Halloween incident so Cole is monitoring her water. Because just like me, I hate drinking water when I'm not dying of thirst.

"I was thinking of stopping for donuts on the way to the airport." Cole says and we all nod.

I go around the dorm to make sure everything is off and we all walk out and I lock the door. We walk towards the elevator. "Excited?" I ask as soon as we are all in the elevator.

They all nod "Fayette just know how grateful we are for this, thank you." Elias says and I nod.

We all walked out to the lobby and I went up to the front desk. 'Hi, so the four of us are moving out at the beginning of December. What do we need to do in order to give our dorm back?' I ask and the front lady looks up at me.

"Oh okay no problem, here just write your names and dorm and when you plan to move out. Use this as your notice, thank you for notifying us." She smiles and hands me a paper. I write mine and Abby's name down for our dorm and same with Eli and Cole.

I thank the lady and we all walk out to the car. Cole and Abby sit in front while me and Elias have the back seat. Cole pulls out of the parking lot and we start to drive.

Cole stops at the local café and gets us each a donut and a coffee. He pulls up directions once he gets in the car. He pulls on soft music and we all sit in the car with a comfortable silence.

I pull out my kindle and go to read. I try to get comfortable and can't because Cole's car is so small in the back with all the stuff back here. I see Elias glancing at me in a confusing way.

"I'm just trying to get more comfortable." I say still shifting around. "Here" he says and unbuckles my seatbelt and I give him a look. "It's fine you won't die." He says and I nod. He takes my arm and pulls me down to the middle seat.

I let him adjust me ignoring the looks of both Cole and Abby in the front. He puts my head on his lap and my legs stay on the seat I was in. He puts the blanket over me. "There, better?" He asks and I nod.

The thing with Elias is that he doesn't give me a cocky smile when something between us happens. He gives me a genuine smile.

I nod and turn to face this stomach. He has a blanket over his body as well. I grab my kindle and pull out my book.

I move to get more comfortable and I can tell Elias doesn't know where to put his one hand that has nowhere to go. I grab his hand and put it on my head and smile at him and he returns it.

We go back to sitting in silence for the remainder of the ride. Halfway Cole and Abby were singing and in the last half, me and Elias fell asleep.

And yes there were times we would get comfortable and would cuddle. But I thought nothing of it. After a while I pulled out my real book and started to read it.


Elias and Cole take out all of our luggage. When I say that I mean Elias and Cole took everything out while me and Abby took cute pictures.

We take our stuff and head into the airport. We go through security which doesn't take long because all I have to do is show my id. "Damn, I wish I could do that." Cole says as he gives Abby water.

I swear they act like a married couple. I can tell he loves her a lot and now that they are official it's even better.

We walk through and make a couple stops for snacks and drinks they might now have on the plane. I go into the Japanese store and get my snacks from there.

We walk to the gate that has private planes. I walk until I see the "Monet" sign. I run over and hug Lucas who is my favorite driver.

He and I have been friends for a long time. He is older than my parents and is like a grandpa to me.

"Grandpa Bernard." I say and give him a tight hug.

"Aw, Fayette , it's wonderful to see you. How have you been? I can't wait to hear all about Seattle." He smiles at me. I turn to my friends and introduce them.

"Grandpa Bernard, this is my best friend Abby, and also my roommate, and these are Cole and Elias. They are on the hockey team and they are also my best friends. And guys this is my driver and friend, he has known my parents since they were teens. I call him Grandpa Bernard since he is like my grandpa." I say.

"It's nice to meet you." Abby says and we get all the introductions out of the way. We walk on the plane and put our luggage in the top compartments. I sit next to Elias and across is Abby and Cole.

I don't remember much of the plane ride because I remember falling asleep as soon as I got comfortable on Elias' shoulder.

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