Chapter 33 ~ Date

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So I'm freaking out. Eli asked me on a date and now I'm freaking out because he won't tell me where he is taking me so I don't know what to wear.

Abby is watching me freak out and laughing at me. When I told her she also freaked out. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited as hell for this date. But I'm nervous because I don't know where it's going to lead us to.

After seeing Leo last week I have been doing everything I can to avoid him in my classes. It's easy to avoid him in the homeroom since Eli moved next to me, and Spanish, I just always partner up with random people.

I also see him at lunch and gives us dirty looks. A part of me wants to know why he's here in the first place. Also crazy thing, he is best friends with Dylan. Yes, Abby's ex Dylan. Mine and my best friends' ex's are best friends.

Who would stoop that low. I think Leo told Dylan how Abby and Cole are together because Dylan now gives them dirty looks. While he looks at me like a piece of meat. It's disgusting.

"How about this?" I snap out of my thoughts when Abby's voice cuts me off. She holds up a lovely put together outfit.

"I love it

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"I love it." I say and walk towards my closet to put it on. I walk out and Abby's mouth drops. She hypes me up for a while, while I laugh at her. We hear a knock on the door and Cole appears. "Babe come on, I wanna watch a movie." He whines and Abby laughs at him.

"Good luck babe." Abby says to me and I turn to the mirror to get a better look at myself. Then I hear another knock on the door. No one comes in so I open the door to reveal a very nicely dressed Eli.

He is in plain light blue jeans and a black v neck long sleeve shirt. "Since we live together and I cant knock on your door I figured this would be better." He says and I laugh. Going back into my room to grab my purse.

"Ready?" He asks and I nod.


"So do you watch anime?" I ask Eli. We are sitting in his car eating In In out in the parking lot as our first stop.

"I do, you?" I nod

"Which one is your favorite?" He asks and I sigh trying to think of my favorite. "I have too many but I think right now,  fruits basket is my obsession." I say and he nods. "You will have to show it to me." He says and I nod.

"This is good food, thank you." I say and nod. "It's nothing, I mean I was the one to ask you on the date, only right if I pay." He laughs.

"I'm glad neither of us love to go to fancy places to eat." I say. "Cheers to that." He says and picks us his drink and hits mine with it.

"What one thing you wish you could change about yourself?" I ask and he takes a minute to think.

"Maybe my dimples, I don't really like them." He says and I let out a loud gasp. "How could you not like your dimples!" I say and he shrugs. "I just don't think they look good on me. You on the other hand rock them." He eats his food.

"We both rock them." I say and he chuckles.

"You more than me." He says and I shake my head. "It's even." I convinced him, "Fine, we both rock them equally." He says.

"As you should." I let out a loud laugh. We talked for a while longer, not rushing anything. We talk about everything. He tells me about his family since we are going to be seeing them soon. He tells me his cousins might try to hit on me and to not give into them. I laugh at this of course.

After we finish talking he throws our trash out and drives us to our next location. I lean my head on the window as I watch the town go by.

We come to a stop and I finally look up in front of me. He took me to an ice skating rink. It's filled with fairy lights, and there's not many people here but it's perfect.

"Eli-" I say but he cuts me off. "Just enjoy it." He says going to the back of his car to get our skates. Now wonder he came into my room and asked me if I owned a pair. I didn't but then he asked me what size. So I'm guessing he bought me some.

He then comes to my side of the car and opens my door. I hold his hand to get out and he leads me to the rink. He rents a locker and puts our things in there. I sit down on the bench and he helps me put on my skates.

They are a gorgeous white with silver stars and at the bottom it says 'little fairy'

"Elias, these are beautiful." I say looking at them. "There you are, now we have an excuse to do this more often." He smirks and I roll my eyes playfully.

He then puts his on as I wait for him. He then stands up holding his hands out for me. I take his hand and he leads us to the rink. I slip a little just trying to get on the ice. There are only about 4 other people here right now so we have a lot of space.

"I won't let go." Elias says behind me as he grabs my waist guiding me. A little bit longer and I start to get the hang of it. "Eli, I'm doing it!" I exclaim and realize that he let me go and is watching me.

He skates over to me and spins us around. I giggle and hold onto him. Knowing that he would never let me fall.

Then as little kids come and skate past us I lose my balance. I start to slip but Elias catches me. Leaving us in a dipping position.

None of us said anything. Then he pulls me up, arms still wrapped around my waist. He looks around as if he is trying to see if anyone is watching. He then takes me by surprise and kisses me.

I kiss him back as he holds onto my waist so we don't fall. I pull back and look at his face. His nose and cheeks are red from the cold and his lips are a bit swollen. He pecks me one last time and holds my hand as we skate around for a little while longer.

Getting lost with him is the best feeling ever. Best first date ever.

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