Chapter 27 ~ Talk

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"Why do we need all this stuff?" I ask as Fayette puts a ton of ingredients into the cart full. "It's called ingredients that I need for meals. Also I have this sort of plan for shopping, how about I get food that lasts us a week and I go grocery shopping every Saturday?" Fayette says and I nod. "You're the boss," She laughs.

On our way here we had a full on Taylor Swift concert. Now I'm stuck at target with her and not that it's bad, but it's already so late and we aren't even halfway done because she looks at everything.

"Can we get pizza rolls?" I ask and she scrunches her nose. "I guess." I fist pump the air and she laughs. I toss the pizza rolls in the cart already full of food. "I thought you played hockey, not football." She laughs and I join in.

"Should I switch over?" I ask and she shakes her head. "No hockey suits you best."

I laugh at this because it's true. I don't see myself anywhere in the future without hockey.

"Oh this is cute." She points to the fourth plant she has seen in the store. I groan because they all look the same but if I tell her that she will give me a full lecture about how they are not.

I let her win every time.

"I need another dinner night." She looks at me and I shrug. "Pasta?" I ask and she shakes her head. "I already have vodka pasta down." I think for a minute. "How about chicken sandwiches?" She shrugs and then nods as we go and get stuff for that.

I look at my phone and see it's around nine pm. "We have to get home now Fay" I say and she sadly nods. I know how much this girl loves target.

We head to the cashier and pay for all our items. It comes to about 300$, but it's a good price for a week of food for 4 people and 2 of them eating 5 meals a day.

Fay pays and we head to the parking lot with all the groceries. I help her load them into the back of her trunk. "When are you going to get your own car?" I ask and she shrugs. "Maybe after the new year?" I nod.

We get into the car and she starts the car. "Wanna go get milkshakes, I have a feeling Cole and Abby might be trying to break in their bed." Fay crunches her nose and I laugh.

"Yeah, let's go." I say and she nods, putting on her playlist as she lip syncs to 'Save your tears' by the Weekend and Ariana Grande.

She pulls up to a diner and we get out. We head inside and while she picks a spot for us to sit, I go and order our drinks. I came back with a strawberry and chocolate milkshake.

We drink these in silence for a little while and enjoy each other's company. "Uh I uh kind of wanted to let you in on my whole 'ex' problem since I have yet to tell you and you deserve to know." She says and then I remember what happened during break.

I nod to her and let her continue, giving her my undivided attention.

"So I met Leo when I was a sophomore in high school. We got close throughout that year and then he asked me out during that summer. All summer we would go on dates until the new school year started and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes and he was the sweetest person to me. I didn't think I could love someone as much as I loved him." She takes a deep breath but my eyes don't stray from her.

"Everything was great, we were all we needed for each other and we got so close throughout highschool. Then things took a turn when we graduated. I didn't think of the aftermath after we had been done with highschool until then. We talked about colleges and when I said I didn't want to attend school in France he freaked out. He was never once to hit me and he never did, but that day I was more scared of him than anything. His words hurt me so bad I ran. I didn't look back. He called me names until I left." She starts to get all teary and I move to go in the seat next to her.

I rub her back as she sobs in my arms. I didn't know how much that breakup affected her because when we saw him she didn't seem terrified. "That's why I sometimes doubt coming here, because then maybe... just maybe, our life could have been better." She finishes and I bring her head to my chest.

I lean back in the booth and hold her head to me and she cries on me. I will always be here when she needs to cry. She can yell, hit, and cry at me to get all this built up emotions out.

"Fay, you're so brave, he was in the wrong, don't you ever think that." I say and hold her head in my hands. We stare at each other for a while. Just analyzing each other's faces and getting to know them.

She leans in and kisses my cheek close to my mouth. "I feel like- like you're my person, I don't care if I'm not yours, but your mine and that wont ever change." She gives me a tight smile and puts her head back on my chest.

I froze as soon as she looked into my eyes but I froze even more when she kissed me. I stay frozen from her words and let them sink in.

I'm her person, I'm her comfort, me. Elias. Her person.

And she was mine too, she has been since we first met. She wasn't just my best friend, she is my support system, she is shoulder to cry on. She is my sober thoughts when I would go reckless and get drunk. She is my reason for being. She is always the person I go to for everything. Cuddles, late night talks, deep talks, when I need a laugh, I run to her. 

She will never know that I run to her every time. She will never know how much she saved my life.

When school first started and Cole was the only one who knew I was about ready to give up, she stepped in and became my person, and my guardian.

"You're my person too Far. You're mine too." I say and kiss her head as we rest for a little in the tiny diner booth.

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