Bonus Chapter 4 ~ Pregnant?

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I'm sitting in the bathroom throwing up for the third time this morning. I should also mention that I'm in the downstairs bathroom since I didn't want to wake Elias up. He has a long day ahead of him and I don't need him to be cranky.

So every night when I feel sick, I wait for Eli to fall asleep and then I go sleep downstairs on the couch so I don't disturb him. Then five minutes before his alarm goes off, I head back upstairs to go to bed.

How has he not noticed? I don't know either it's very surprising or not. But he has a tough hockey season and he has been tired a lot lately. The selfish part of me wants him to hold my hair as I throw up and rub my back. But the other side of me tells me no and that I need to let Eli get his sleep.

That's why right now I'm brushing my teeth quietly and tip-toeing up the stairs. Elias wakes up around 5:30 which is in a couple minutes.

I open our door slowly and quietly but I guess it's no use. Elias is up and his back is against the headboard. He has his arms crossed and his eyebrows knitted.

"What were you doing downstairs for a whole hour?" He asks and I try to think of an excuse. "I was uh looking at the sunrise from the porch." I say maybe a little too confidently because he chuckles.

"Babe, we live in Minnesota, it's winter, the sun doesn't rise for another two hours." He points to the window that is still pitched back. "Then I was watching tv." I say and he shakes his head. "No you weren't so why were you?"

I sigh, "It's nothing." I get back in bed and curl up. "I didn't think you would notice." I mutter but he scoffs. "We have been married for a year and a half, I think I know when my wife gets up in the middle of the night and leaves me." He grabs my waist and pulls me to straddle his lap.

"Tell me." He says in a stern voice and I gulp, looking at the clock seeing that he needs to start getting ready. "You are going to be late for work." I say and he chuckles once again. "I think my wife is more important than that. You're not getting out of this."

I sigh giving in since I know he wont let me go. "I just have been feeling sick over the past couple days. I didn't want to wake you with the sound of me throwing up so I went downstairs..." I drift off.

Elias has a confused look on his face. "Why are you feeling sick? Why didn't you tell me?" He rushes out and I shrug. "I didn't say anything because I thought it was just a quick bug." My voice is quiet now. "I didn't tell you so you wouldn't do this and miss work. Which you are running late for." I remind him.

"Fay, how many times do I have to tell you? You're my wife, I'm your husband, you can't hide these things from me. I'm even more worried now than if you just would have told me." He says and I give him a 'really?" face.

"Can we talk about this when you get home. I don't want you to miss work, seriously." I say and his head falls back to the headboard. He grabs me and places me on my side of the bed. He gets up without another word and heads to the bathroom to get ready.

I know he is mad at me. He tends to when he finds out I hide these things from him. I obviously don't blame him but still. I curl up under the covers and try to drift off to sleep again. I can hear Elias walking back into the room and filling up his duffle bag.

I can hear him sigh and walk over to me. He kneels down on my side. I keep my eyes closed hoping he thinks I'm asleep. "I'm angry with you, Fayette, you need to learn how to be open with me." He strokes my hair. "But I'm not leaving without saying a word or with you thinking I don't love you, because I do. I love you Fay, and we are talking about this when I get home." He kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

I can hear him opening the front door and locking it and setting the alarm back on. I don't know when but I fall back asleep.


All day... I haven't left bed. I feel so sick to my stomach I can't even move. My worst fear is throwing up and I feel like if I move I might do just that.

It hurts because I haven't been able to get up to get food or water. I can't even move to text Abby that I need her. And obviously I'm not going to disturb Elias even after what we talked about this morning.

Now that I think of it, I probably should text him. He should be off of work soon so what's it going to hurt?

"Hey, almost done with work right? I haven't been able to get up all day. My stomach hurts that bad."

I wait for a little while, letting pain course through my body.

"I'm on my way, coach just let me out. Do you need anything from the store? Or are you in that much pain that you need me now? I can also get food?"

"No I don't need anything I just want you to come home."

"I'm on my way baby alright, can you drink some water?"

"I don't have any on me, like I said I haven't been able to get up all day."

"Alright I'm coming now baby."

I put my phone away. From all that movement I feel even more sick. I suck it up and dash to the bathroom. I Threw up almost nothing since I haven't eaten since last night.

I sit here for about 5 minutes before I hear the door open and lock. I hear Elias' hurried feet coming up. He walks in with a glass of water and a towel.

He gets down on the floor behind me and lifts my hair while rubbing my back. The little girl in me is freaking out. I finish throwing up and Elias hands me water which I gulp down quickly. I'm so freaking thirsty.

Elias then pulls me to stand up, I grab his arms. I try to come up but after trying hard everything goes dark.


I wake up to a monitor beeping. I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the light. I look to see Elias is sitting on a chair next to a hospital bed that I'm laying in, holding my hand.

He sees that I'm awake and asks for the doctor. "What happened?" I ask and Elias rubs his face. "You fainted when I was helping you up." He says a little bit of embarrassment is hidden in his voice.

I'm about to speak when the doctor comes in with a clipboard. "Good evening Mrs. Graham. I have some results for you." I nod and let him continue. "Your husband said you have been feeling sick for a little over three days now. You thought it was a bug but it's actually not that." Me and Elias look at each other with confusion.

"First I'm going to say that no matter how sick you are, you need to eat and drink water throughout the day. Even missing one day will get you and the baby even more sick." He says checking off things on his clipboard.

Wait, what? "Uh baby?" I ask and stare into the doctor's eyes. "Yes Ma'am you are currently 4 weeks pregnant yesterday." He smiles but sees the shocked look on our faces. "I will give you two time to process this." He leaves and I freeze.

A baby. I'm pregnant. I'm going to be a mom. I'm going to have a baby!

I look to Elias who is still in shock. I nag him and he jumps but looks at me. It takes him a while, but eventually a huge smile comes onto his face and he jumps out of his chair and hugs me. He kisses my head a bunch of times which makes me giggle.

"Holy crap, Holy crap! We are going to be parents!" He starts to jump up and down with joy like a kid just got offered a whole candy store.

"I'm so freaking happy." He cries on my shoulder and I cry with him. This is probably the best news ever. I'm going to be a mom, Elias is going to be a dad.

We sat here for a while waiting for the papers to get discharged. Elias helps me to the car. He buckled my seatbelt and leaned in to kiss me. I kiss him back. "Gosh I can't wait for this kid." I laugh at him.

Best.. day.. Ever.. Well one of them, and definitely not the last.

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