Chapter 46 ~ Cuddles & Love

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I'm back in the apartment. Just as I thought. It's empty. The lady who helped me to the hospital picked me up and signed me out. I was so grateful for her that I asked for her number. She gladly gave it to me. Which makes us friends now.

She said my car was getting dropped off later today by her husband so she drove me here herself. I came in and went straight back to my room like nothing happened. Like I wasn't just in the hospital.

I refuse to go back to the guest room though. So I get under my covers and try to fall back asleep. It feels so nice to be in my own bed. I relax until I hear a scratching at the door. I forgot about Dax.

I get up quickly and open the door for him. He jumps up to me and gives me kisses. I laugh and close my door again and lay back in bed. Dax comes to bed to cuddle with me. I stroke his belly until I hear his soft breathing. I stay awake now staring at my dog.

He's my best friend. Sorry Abb's. As I stare at him for a while I don't hear the door slamming until Elias is in front of me standing at the frame of my door.

"Fay." He says with a soft voice. He removes his hands from the frame and moves them to his face. He rubs all over his face and I can hear him sniffle.

Should I tell him I forgive him?

Yes I decided that I forgive him. He did nothing wrong. And for all I know he could have been gone most of the time because he was working on a project. I shouldn't have been overthinking.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts and sat up. Elias is now walking to my side of the bed. He looks down at me and I can see his teary eyes. He sniffles again and takes my hand and kisses it.

I don't expect the next part where he gets down on his knees and leans on the side of the bed still holding my hand. He lets himself cry now. He lets out too many "I'm sorry" and "I missed you" I start to tear up as well.

He looks so hurt. He looks and sounds so upset with himself. I know that to all my girls out there who are saying I forgive too quickly, but if you saw Elias' face and knew his heart. You would know why I forgive him in a heartbeat.

"Eli." I say choking on my tears. I lean down and kiss his head that is resting on the bed. I run my hands through his hair. "Get on the bed please." I say. I can't take it anymore. I need him to hold me like I have been craving to be held for a while now.

He lifts his head up and looks at me. I nod letting him know I mean it. I scoot over and let him in. He comes in under the covers and wraps his arms around my waist. I finally cave in and cry. I shove my face in his shoulder.

"I forgive you Eli, I always will, it wasn't your fault." I say and I can feel him shaking his head. "I don't deserve your forgiveness Fay." We cried for a while. I don't know when but we both fell asleep. I wake up on top of Elias. He's holding me tight to his body. Scared that I'm going to leave again.

I know we are both up because our breathing is uneven and He kissed my head a couple times. "Fay, I'm so sorry again. I promise you I was not here because I was working on something for you. For our six month anniversary."

I knew his intentions were good. I knew I could trust him. He is not the bad boy who cheats on every girl he meets. He is the soft boy who saves himself till marriage and believes in the one.

"I know sweetheart. I know your heart and that it's good. It's one of the many things I adore about you." I say now kissing his chest.

Our anniversary was yesterday. And I spent it with Abby and I hate myself for it. We lay here for a while until he speaks up.

"Would you like to see your gift?" He asks and I lift my chin to look at him. I nod and he smiles, finally kissing me on the lips. This time with gentleness. I kiss back and when we let go he lets his big smile shine though that lets me see his dimples.


Elias made me get dressed for my gift. We are now in his car driving to the secret location. We have been driving for about ten minutes now and I have no clue where he's taking me. He has his hand on my upper thigh rubbing it and giving me comfort.

"Okay, close your eyes." He says and I do. I let him guide me out of the car. We only walk a little ways but we are still outside.

"Alright open." He says and sounds nervous. I open my eyes slowly and see the building we are standing in front of.

'Fayette's Coin livre et café' Is written on the building. It translates to 'Fayette's book nook and café' . I put my hands on my mouth to stop myself from crying but it's not possible.

I cry, hard. I cover my face in my hands. I look back at the building. It's tiny but it has ceiling to floor windows and the name is written in a lovely cursive in a light purple. The building is ivory white.

I turn to Elias and he gives me a smile. "Did you build this?" I ask and he nods. "Well I helped build some of it. But I mostly decorated." He says and grabs my waist. I waste no time and grab his face and give him a passionate kiss.

He did this all for me. It was worth it. Being alone. Now I have an escape. "Wanna go inside?" He asks and I nod. He holds the door open for me and I walk in. The smell of new books and coffee hit my nose.

Like I said, it's small but cute and just my size. The walls have white brick texture and the floor is rustic wood. There are bookshelves filled to the brim all throughout the building. The café part is a small open kitchen with couches and tables surrounding the whole place.

I look back at Elias and he just gives me a dimple smile. "Now this building does not have to be a store. But if you wanted to sell books. I can talk to some people and get you a desk and a cashier. But for now, I built this so that you could come here and read alone." He says and asks for my hand.

I open it and he places keys in it. He closes my hand and kisses it.

"Fay, I have wanted to say this forever and I think now's the time." My heart races knowing what's coming up but I'm not scared, it excites me.

"Fay, I love you, with all my being, I have loved you since I opened the door for you in that café and saw you for the first time. I have loved you since you asked me what my coffee order was and when I told you I like just black coffee, you weren't afraid to tell me that it was gross." He stops and lets me laugh at that.

"I have loved you forever Fay. I think I knew that but didn't know it until that one night in Paris when it was just us." He says and looks me in the eye. I'm a sobbing mess. He digs in his pockets for something. He pulls out a ring bag and opens it. It's a beautiful rose gold band with the words 'little fairy' engraved on the inside. I gasp at it as he puts it on.

"Fay, I don't think I will ever get tired of saying 'I love you' it won't be possible. This seals my promise that I can hopefully someday replace it with an engagement ring and a wedding band." He chuckles. But how could he chuckle right now? I'm sobbing and can't breathe.

I admired the ring for a little while. I then grab his face in mine when I can see that he thinks I don't love him back.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you." I say against his lips. He sighs in relief and kisses me back with everything he's got.

After we run out a breath he gives me one last kiss on the lips then rests his forehead on mine. "I love you my little fairy." He breathes.

"I love you, sweetheart, mi amor." I smile at him letting him see my dimples


This chapter is dedicated to my lovely reader @Stupidreader_  words cannot express how much I love you. I don't know you but you are the first to comment on everything and I just cant get enough of your feedback on my chapters. You also make me crack up, we should be book besties😂❤️

That said I love every one who reads my book. <3

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