Chapter 9 ~ Cole & Abb's

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The boys left late last night so we could all get some sleep for school today. Last night was a crazy ride. I was happy that Abby was not upset with me and that she actually trusted me. I was going to be with her the whole way as she broke up with him.

She said she wanted to do it after school at a café. I agreed since a café never had too many people in it.

Elias and Cole were also super supporting and said they would be with her after it happened. Me and Eli got to talking last night about how Cole was going to get with Abby. I told him it would be best to wait a little bit since Abby would not be in a good place for a relationship right after this one.

And especially since Abby told me the history they all have, it's just better to be safe and wait.

School was boring like always. We both avoided Dylan and did not make eye contact with him. It was hard for Abby to do so because he was being kind of clingy the whole time, but she just ignored him.

After school she texted Dylan saying she wanted to meet at the local café outside of school. He agreed and me and Abby started to head there.

Me and Abby walk in and grab some tea and find a table with four chairs. I see Eli texted me good luck.

After 5 minutes the door opened and in came Dylan. He was looking around for Abby when he saw us. He looked at me and I saw pure hatred in his eyes.

If anything I should be the one giving him the death glare. Not the other way around. He walks to our table and sits down in front of Abby.

"Hey babe what did you want to talk about?" He asks and she sighs. "Dylan we need to break up... permanently." She looks down, not making eye contact with him. I put my hand on her leg as a sign of comfort. She puts her hand on top of mine and rubs it.

"What? You leaving me for her huh?" He asks which makes us both look up. "No Dylan, I'm not leaving you for Fayette, or anyone."

Her tone was sad. Like when she said that she truly believed that there was no one for her.

"I'm leaving you because you assaulted my best friend in front of me... two times" She says and looks back down. I look at him and he gives me a shocked look. "What no I didn't." He denies and Abby shakes her head. "I have proof you did though Dylan. You know how much I loved having Fay as a friend and you went and touched her. I'm surprised she didn't leave me."

Dylan looks back at me in shock. He stands up and stomps out of the café. Not before walking back in and saying. "I'm not done with you guys yet" And he walks back out.

I rub Abby's back "It could have been worse" I say and she nods. We grab our stuff and go to my car.

The rest of the night is chilling with Abby and watching movies.

Eli- "Hey how did it go"

I get a text from Eli and respond back.

"It went better than I thought, he just walked out, but also threatened us with the 'I'm not done with you'

"I will make sure he doesn't do anything to you guys."

"Speaking of... how's Cole reacting?"

"Hes ecstatic and jumping on the walls, well- he's sad for Abby, but also can't stop smiling."

I laugh and Abby looks at me. I showed her my phone.

"You know, I think you and Cole need to talk. Tell him everything and let him in."

I smile at her as she gives me a knowing look.

"I want to get to know who he is now that we haven't talked for a year. Start slow."

"Abby says she would love to get to know the new Cole and start slow..." I text Eli.

"I wish you didn't text me in front of him... now he's jumping on the couch and running back and forth."

"Sorry not sorry" I smirk

"Yeah yeah.. Goodnight Fay"



It's now Wednesday and I am sitting in a café with Eli doing some work while he fills out hockey forms.

"So who do you want to be drafted to?" I ask and he looks up.

"I want to stay here but I would be open to anywhere."

I nod and go back to my work. The waiter comes to our table and gives us our tea. I smile at the man as he lingers on my face more. I start to get a little uncomfortable but he keeps staring. I look back down at my work trying to ignore him.

I see he's not going away anytime soon so I look back up at him. I see Eli is just taking the scene in. "Can I help you?" I ask and he fiddles with his fingers. "Uh I was just wondering if you wanted to get dinner sometime?" He asks.

I gave him a smile but before I could respond I heard a voice. "I'm sorry but she is actually married." Eli says and lifts my finger to show the ring I had with Abby. The man's smile fades. "I'm so sorry I didn't know" He shyly walks away.

I start to laugh as he is gone. "Married?" I ask and Eli shrugs. "You seemed uncomfy so I saw your ring and took the chance."

"Well thank you." He nods and we both go back into a comfortable silence. We both don't say anything till He closes his books the same time I do.

"Ready to go?" I nod and we grab our things. We get to my car and he hugs me. "Have a goodnight Fay"

"You too Eli" I get in my car and wave at him and watch him get to his car and drive to the dorms.

We get there around the same time and meet at the front. He walks me to my dorm. I walk in and see Abby is not there.

"That's weird"

"What is it?" Eli comes into the dorm. We see Cole and Abby asleep on the couch. They are both on their sides facing each other and his hand in her hair.

"Awe" I say and put my hand over my heart. I grab a blanket and put it over them. Eli watches and I walk back to him.

"I knew this was going to happen the second it started."

We high five in victory. This is going to be a great and wild ride.

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