Chapter 37: Christmas Special

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Monday December 20

It's been a week since me and the gang got to Minnesota. This week has been boring as hell but I'm not complaining because I got to sleep in. Not to mention whose bed I slept in.

Yes Elias and I cuddle every night with Dax and it's honestly the best thing ever. I'm kind of like his mom now. Dax I mean.

Elias said that this week we have a lot of plans that need to be in motion. Christmas falls on a Saturday this week, so we all have a week to do things. One thing I know we are doing is ice skating.

Since that little ice skating date me and Elias had, I have gotten better at it and now I'm not scared of breaking a bone.

Abby and Cole have been doing great as well. They have been over for dinner several times and we all had a great time.

I also am meeting Elias' cousins this Christmas eve. I'm beyond nervous because Elias has told me weird things about them. He also told me not to give into their childish games. I told him I would be fine but he still takes it upon himself to 'protect' me.

It's now Monday, 5 days away from Christmas. Elias said that today was going to be our day. He didn't tell me where he would take me but I'm excited. I have been getting ready for the past hour. He said to dress warm and cozy.

I hear a knock on the door and it opens to Elias in a nice black turtleneck with white pants and his coat because it's so freaking cold outside.

"Hey, you ready." He asks me and my hand tightens on my mascara brush when he comes behind me. He moves my hair and also moves my turtleneck shirt to the side and gives me a flutter kiss on my neck.

"You look gorgeous." He says as he wraps his hands around my waist. I giggle at him because he is so freaking adorable and I can't do anything about it. He loves showing me affection, which I gladly receive.

I'm glad he has gotten more touchy with me because I am a very affectionate person and love to be touched. His love language is physical touch which makes me giddy.

I turn around after applying my mascara and his arms wrap around me. I cup the side of his neck with both hands and give him a feather kiss.

"Thank you." I say and he gives me a small peck and pulls away with a smile. Charming.

"Well we gotta go, we can make out later." He says flipping his short hair. I hit him playfully gently and we walked out the bathroom. He grabs my coat and helps me put it on.

We walk out of his room and wave his parents goodbye.


"Are you sure?" I ask as Elias holds his hand out. We are now at a small café for some food and coffee.  He had just told me that he was paying for the whole day. He knows I hate that but he wont drop it.

I take his hand as we head into the café. He leads me to a table and walks away to get our orders. I don't even have to tell him what I want because he knows my order. And I mean all my orders, from every place we go to, he knows my orders.

He comes back with our stuff as we make small chitchat in the tiny café that is lit up by the morning sun and fairy lights.

We finished up our food and he led me out. He drives for a very long time, me not having a clue where we are going. He then stops at this shack.

"Are you going to murder me? I thought you liked me." I say in a playful voice hoping he knows I'm joking around.

"You're right, I like you too much to murder you." He says turning off the car and hoping out. I hope out as well and he goes around to me and takes my hand. He leads us into the nice cozy shack and we see a tall man standing at the back of the counter.

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