Chapter 32 ~ Annoyed

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"Please take me home." Fayette whispers in Abby's ear as she tries to control her sobbing. I don't know what I'm supposed to do to help her.

"Fay, I have a very important test next period I can't. If I could, I would." Abby rubs her back as they stay on the floor. Fayette nods knowing how much Abby needs her education.

"I can take you home. I didn't really have any important classes anyways." Cole says and I look at him. "Are you sure?" Fayette asks and he nods. Fayette wipes her eyes and begins to stand. Just then the bell gives us the five minute class warning.

Cole takes Fayette's backpack and leads her to the front doors of the office. They disappear and I look back to Abby. "What happened?" I ask and she frowns even more.

"She said Leo is here, he transferred." She looks down and I freeze at the name.

Why is he here? What does he want from her?

"I guess he was making her uncomfortable in class." Abby says and we walk to our classes.

"What class do they share?" I ask and she shrugs. "For now it's Spanish and homeroom I think."

Wait, I also share a homeroom with Fayette. I wonder what classes he studies.

I get angry at the thought of him making her feel uncomfortable in class. And around other people, what a dick move.

"I will see you later." Abby waves at me as I walk to my government class. I take my seat in the back hoping for this day to just be over. I hope Fayette is feeling better now that she has eaten and left.

I take out some paper and notes and wait for the teacher to come in. "Can I sit?" I hear a voice coming up next to me. I look up and low and behold the ass of the century.

"No." I say and he raises his eyebrows. "Why not? Is it taken?" He asks. I shake my head. "No it's not taken, I just don't feel like sitting next to an ass like you." I say and go back to my paper.

He sighs and sits down anyways. "I told you no. You have some nerve showing up here. Walking up to Fay like nothing ever happened." I say and I can see the anger he feels in his eyes.

"You were not there. You don't understand the situation. Don't act like you do." He turns away.

"I didn't need to be there to know the kind of person you were to her." I say now, raising my voice. I'm about to speak up again but the teacher walks in and starts the lesson.


I walk through the door and put my keys in the bowl by the door. I just came back from my hockey meet. It went pretty well except for the fact that I have yet to be chosen for a team yet.

Cole and Abby must be in their room because only Fay lies on the couch watching tv. I walk over to the back of the couch, I pull her head back and kiss her forehead. "Hey." I give her a smile and she returns it with a small one.

"Hi, how was school?" She asks and I shrug. "Same old same old. I had a hockey meet which didn't go too well." I say and walk over to the couch and sit next to her.

"How come?" She asks. "I didn't get picked yet." I sigh and lay my head on her lap. She puts her hands in my hair. "Eli, remember that it's only the first meet and you still have a couple more years of college." She says.

"Yeah I guess." We fall silent and after a while I get bored. I get up and walk towards my room. I grab the book I bought a couple days ago and walk back out to sit on the couch.

I sit next to her again and hand her the book, giving her a playful pout. She smiles and giggles at my actions and pauses the tv. She grabs the book and turns to the page we left off on.

She reads to me and I get lost in the words of the book. "Why did he do that?" I ask as Fayette stops reading.

"Because he thinks that she wants to be just friends." She says and I nod letting her know she can continue to read. Now that I'm reading this. It sounds awful like mine and Fay's situation. Me and Fay became friends and then started to get into more than just friends.

"Can you believe we have been friends for 5 months?" I blurt out and she laughs. "I know it's crazy." She says and closes the book knowing that we are both done for the night. We sit in silence once again not wanting to speak a single word.

"Abby told me what happened." I whisper and she stiffens. "I'm so sorry." I say and she nods. "I just don't understand what he wants from me. Did he come here just to annoy me?" She asks more towards herself.

"That's his issue not yours okay Fay? Just don't give him the time of day." I say and she nods once again.

"Thanks." She smiles at me and I nod wrapping my arm around her back as she leans into me. "He's not worth your pretty time." I say and she snorts.

"Yeah yeah whatever." She says and cuddles deeper into me. My mind goes back to the kiss we shared last night. When I told the guys what happened they all freaked out.


"You're more smiley today." Mike says from behind me. I had just gotten to practice and I can't help but feel giddy.

"Yeah well I had a good night." I said going through my bag. "A goodnight huh?" Cole comes up from behind me and now all the boys are gathered in the locker room.

"Yeah I mean... I kind of.. Kissed her." I say and the boys stiffen. A second later I'm being trampled and loud whistles and congrats are thrown into the air.

"That's my man." Cole pats me on the back and I laugh.

"Now we have to meet her. Omg we can have a friend's Christmas party." Mike says as I laugh because he is acting like a teenage girl. Also concerned about where we are going to hold a friends party with all these big hockey boys.

Flashback over.

"Fay?" I ask and she hums letting me know she is listening. "I know we just kissed last night and you might think this is moving really fast. But I wanted to ask you on a date?" I ask and she lifts her head.

I wait for her to respond when she gives me a gentle peck on the corner of my lips. "Sure." She says and my eyes go wide. "Really?" I ask and she nods.

"I mean why not, you only live once." She says and I laugh at that because that is in fact true.

"I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend though, I want you to know if we are going to go down this I want to do it right." I say and she nods.

"Good because I would have said no if you asked me to be your girlfriend literally not even 24 hours after our first kiss." She giggles and cuddles deeper into me.

"Goodnight." She whispers.

I kiss her head and whisper a 'goodnight' back.

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