Chapter 35 ~ Minnesota

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I'm driving all four of us down to the airport. It's been a long week and weekend. I was not expecting to see both Leo and Dylan in my house. I feel awful for Fayette and Abby. They were both put into the middle of this.

I hope they know me and Cole won't let them anywhere near them.

This time Cole is sitting up front with me while the girls are sleeping in the back. They needed that sleep after packing last night. It was hectic.

Fay managed to pack and go to the store, and make dinner. She does a lot for us and I hope she knows how much we appreciate her for that.

"So, wanna tell me how the date went since we didn't get to talk about it?" Cole asks and I shrug. "It went really well, we both had a good time and I can't wait to take her on the second date." I say and give him a smile.

"So what date would you ask her out?" He asks and again I shrug. Cole literally asked Abby to be his girlfriend within 2 dates.

"I don't know, maybe the fourth or fifth?" I say and it comes out more like a question. "I can see that." Cole drinks his soda as I continue to drive.

"Do you think she would say yes?" I ask and he nods. "Oh for sure, trust me Abby tells me everything, and when I say Fay talked a lot about you, I mean." He says and I nod.

"It's scary" I blurt out and he nods. "I get it, both of them had really tough past relationships that just ended not even close to a year ago."

I would never force Fay into a relationship and I want her to want to be with me. I know she knows I would wait for her.


"Fay? Wake up, we are at the airport." I shake Fay awake as Cole does the same with Abby. I already took our bags out and now the girls just have to wake up.

They must be tired from packing since they slept the whole way here.

Both stir awake and I help Fay get out of the car. She starts to get more awake and smiles at me, flashing her dimples.

"Can we get coffee?" She asks and I nod. "Once we get to our gate, okay?" I ask and she nods. I take her hand and kiss it. "Fay, your hand is freezing." I say and reach into my pocket and grab hand warmers. "Thanks" she mumbles.

I take her suitcase with mine since I don't want her to drop anything. We walk through the airport, through security, through bag checks, and now we are finally at our gate. We have roughly 2 hours before our plane gets here.

I'm standing in line at a Starbucks to get Fay coffee. By now I literally know her order by heart. Her, and Abby are sitting at the gate waiting with our stuff, while Cole is grabbing some medicine for Abby at the CVS in here.

I order Fay's coffee and I get her an egg sandwich cause I know she is hungry. I thank the lady and walk back out to the gate. Both look dead and ready to fall into their graves.

Fay wakes at the sound of me coming closer. She takes the coffee and I hand her the sandwich. I sit next to her as she leans her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you." She mumbles but I still hear it. Rubbing my hand on her thigh I kissed her temple. "No problem sweetheart." I say and she leans her head on my shoulder after returning the kiss.

Cole comes back with Abby's medicine and sits next to her. He helps her take the medicine and water. I have never seen Cole so caring towards someone. I'm glad he matured enough, because he and Abby are perfect for each other.


It's been an hour and a half and our plane is now here. They are just cleaning the plane and getting it ready for us. Fay fell asleep after finishing her coffee and sandwich. I also might have promised her a smoothie once we got off the plane.

"Gate 2A first class may board." The intercom speaks and I take that as a sign to wake up Fay.

I shake her and she looks at me confused. "We are about to be called to the plane." I say and she nods. Throwing her trash away and walking back to me.

5 minutes later the intercom announces we can now board the plane. I walk with Fay behind me and Cole and Abby behind her.

We walk through the plane towards the middle. I grab my suitcase and hers and put it in the compartment above our seat. Cole and Abby are sitting in front of us.

"I'm excited." Fay says and I smile. "Yeah?" I ask and she nods, biting her lip. "Mhm" He gets as close to me as possible and cuddles into me. I lift up the middle part so she can get closer.

It's around 8 in the morning and our flight is 4 hours. So I might as well sleep. I put my hand on Fay's thigh as a sigh of comfort and fell fast asleep.


The four of us decided to split up during the trip. Me and Fay were going to stay at my house, but Abby and Cole were going to stay at his house. But we would see each other everyday.

We are in the rental car heading to Coles house first. Fay is happily chewing on her fries and smoothie.

It's about an hour drive to his house and mine is about an hour and ten minutes.

We arrive at Coles house and I help walk them in. Cole walks in and greets his parents as they fawn over Abby. They then greet me and Fay. We talk for a little bit and I help Cole and Abby bring their stuff in.

I start the car back up and drive towards my house. "I'm a little nervous now." Fay says and laughs. "My family will love you. And only my parents and my sister live there so it's not a big house." She nods as we drive to my house.

"I can't wait to see your dog." She says and I laugh. "Same here. I will say though, he gets a little shy and scared of new people." I say warning her that Dax might not warm up to her right away.

About 10 minutes go by and we pull up to the front of my house. I see my mom and dad waiting on the porch as they wave to me. I smile and wave back. I leave our stuff there for now.

I wait till Fay is out of the car and next to me. I see my mom running to me and she envelopes me in a hug. "My baby boy, you are such a handsome man like your father." She cups my cheeks.

She then gasps as she sees Fay. She also hugs her and Fay doesn't hesitate to hug her back. As they are introducing each other, my dad and I walk up to each other for a hug.

"How's my boy?" He asks and I nod. "Pretty good." I say and he lets out a deep chuckle. "Well come on, it's so cold out here." My mom says bring us inside.

We settle down on the couch and my mom brings out some hot chocolate for us.

This is going to be an interesting night.

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