Chapter 39 ~ Birthday

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A/N Sort of a filler chapter, it may be messy.

"Happy birthday baby." I feel light kisses on my face as I begin to wake up. I rub my eyes open to see Fay smiling at me. We are both still in bed. It's been a good couple weeks since we have been home and now it's my birthday.

Turning 23... yay. Honestly it's not a big deal. I think my 21st birthday was my last exciting birthday.

"Thank you baby." I smile at Fay who is now laying on my naked chest. It feels nice to just lay down in bed with her.

We sit here for a while and then the door opens, "Happy birthday elephant!" Cole comes in and jumps on me. Luckily Fay moved just in time or Cole would have crushed her.

"Get off of me you hippo." I say and he laughs and gets off of me. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but we still have to go to hockey practice." I grain because I'm so tired and exhausted from it.

I kiss Fay on her nose and get up and start my day.


The day went by pretty fast. I got a lot of happy birthdays from everyone at school. But now all four of us are sitting in the living room watching movies. We got Chinese takeout and I guess Abby went and bought a cake.

Fay is sitting on my lap while Dax is at our side and she pets him. I'm going to be completely honest here because I'm an honest dude. But it feels like I have a family. Well outside of my family, I have Fay, and Dax here with me.

My phone rings and I see the caller id. I kiss Fay on the forehead and take my phone and walk out to the balcony.

"Hello?" I answer my one waiting for the person on the other line to speak.

"Elias, we got a date, it will be ready by March 10th. Is that okay? You can also come in and help with it." The man on the other end says and now I know what he's going on about.

I talk to him for a while and then head back into the living room. I see Fay is asleep and alone in the living room. I pick her up and place her on her bed. I kiss her on her lips gently and hop into bed next to her.


Fay is now sits me on the bed. It's the day after my birthday and she said that my gift finally came. I told her not to get me anything but she doesn't listen because she is stubborn.

"Close your eyes." She says and as I close my eyes I feel her taking my hands and putting them in a bowl position.

I feel a light box being put into my hands. "Open." Fay says, sounding uneasy like I'm going to hate the gift she gives me.

I could never hate anything she does. I hope she knows that. I open my eyes to see a jewelry box. It was very expensive. "Fay..." I try it off but she doesn't give me a chance to speak because she kisses my lips and whispers 'open it' to me.

I open the box and see a ring with our initials. It's a silver band and has a cursive E ~ F  on top of it. Inside the ring has the date I asked her to be my girlfriend.

I stare in awe of this ring. She knows that I love my rings. This is the best gift she has ever given me. It now feels like she is a part of me wherever I go. I place the ring on my middle left finger. Closest to my ring finger that will hold my wedding band.

I look up to Fay who is biting her lip waiting for me to express my thoughts. I don't say anything though.. I grab her and kiss her. I kiss her so hard that she falls back on the bed.

His lips are fluffy and taste like cake batter. I run my tongue over her bottom lip to taste it. She lets out a breath and I trail kisses down her neck.

I give her one final kiss on her head, "Thank you." I whisper as I lean my head on hers. She gives me a tight smile that makes me melt every time I see it. I would do anything for her to smile at me all the time.

She has no idea what she does to me. I want to be with her for the rest of my days. I want to grow old with her and let her bear all my children. As many as she will let me give her. I want to wake up next to her everyday until we die.

I want to see her smile everyday and I will stop at nothing to make sure that happens. She is the only person I have ever belly laughed with.

And the only person I have ever loved.


A week and a half has passed now and it's Fay's birthday. We spent the whole day together. I haven't told her that the gift I'm planning to get is still way away. For now I have another charm to add to her necklace.

The day we became a family. Aka the day we brought Dax home and moved to her room together. It's kind of cheesy but it's alright because I know she loves the little details like that.

I even managed to cook her dinner. It was pasta, but still food. She loves it and says she wants me to make it for her again in the future. And I can't deny her now can I?

We have been living in the apartment with our friends for 2 months now. Feels like just yesterday we moved it. But I know Cole is talking with Abby about getting their own place once he is drafted.

It will be sad once they leave, but it will also be a start of starting our new lives.

"Fay?" I call out, sitting on our bed with the box that holds her present. She comes in with a smile. She is wearing a white silk dress. She said it wasn't necessary since we are not doing anything but I told her that she needed to dress up.

"What's up baby?" She sits on the bed and looks at the box. She looks back at me with eyes that say 'you didn't have to' I give her eyes that say 'yes I did'.

I hand her the box and she opens it; she examines the date and then asks what the date is. I wasn't expecting her to get it right away.

"It's the date that we brought Dax home, and moved my stuff into your room. It's the day we became a family." I say with tears threatening to sting my eyes.

Her mouth opens a bit and picks up the charm. She then takes her necklace off and slides the charm onto it.

She gives me a small smile which I return. She kisses me, and for the rest of the night, we cuddle, with Dax of course.

My family.


Prepare for drama my friends I'm done playing nice all the time. *Evil smirk*

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