Chapter 18 ~ Upset

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I get out of my car and slam it angrily. I can't believe I have to play mommy for a grown man. I was going to kick him for interrupting my reading time. After getting that call I was more than mad. I told him to not drink and drive and what is he doing? He is refusing to stay and making me come get him.

I walk into the house and move around the sweaty bodies. I am in my sweats and hoodie while half naked people are grinding on each other. I try to find my way through the crowd to find Elias. I spotted some guys from the hockey team. I rush over and tap one on the back.

"Excuse me, have you seen Elias?" I ask

"Uh I think he went upstairs with some chick I'm not sure though." I nod and walk up stairs. As I am checking through doors to find Elias I keep asking myself why I'm here. If Elias really wanted me to pick him up, why is he in a room with some girl?

I finally found a door that is wide open and Elias is sitting there trying to get away from some girl. "Hey!" I shout. Both snapped their attention to me and Elias gave me a thank you face. "What are you doing here?" I ask the girl and she scoffs. "I was trying to make out with a hottie from the hockey team here, but he told me he's not doing anything with me because he hasn't even had his first kiss. I had no choice but to force him." She says while standing up grabbing her clothes.

"You know that assault and rape right?" I ask and grab Elias' hand. "Don't come near him again." I drag Elias out and we make our way to my car. He was clearly so drunk it was so hard to carry him.

"You came for me" He slurs and I roll my eyes. "I didn't need to get a call saying that you died because you were drinking and driving." I say and he rolls his eyes this time.

"Well I didn't want to stay here because I had a feeling I would lose something and I don't want that." He says. "And by the way, I did in fact have my first kiss. I lied to her because I wanted her to think I had no experience and leave me." He says which is actually pretty smart.

"Oh yeah, who's your first kiss?" I ask and he looks away as I help him into the car. He mutters but I can't hear him. I let it go and headed to the driver's seat. I drove him to the dorms and since he left everything there he has no choice but to stay at mine. I text Abby letting her know and she says that she and Cole will be out most of the night but will go to his dorm to not wake us.

I walk Elias all the way up and he lets me. I lay him down on my couch and pull a blanket over him. He keeps muttering.

"What?" I ask, trying to get him to repeat himself. "I said that I said in the car that I have not had my first kiss but I was saving it for youuu." He says and I step back while my heart starts to beat faster.

"Go to sleep Elias." I say and give him a kiss on the forehead. I walk back to my room and try to go back to sleep.

I can't help but think about what he said. He told me he had a girlfriend in his past. So why hasn't he had his first kiss? And why was he saving it for me? I hope it's just the fact that he is drunk to understand what he is saying.

Elias and I have gotten really close and I would hate to mess that up. I don't think I'm catching feelings because I only see him as a friend. I would hope he doesn't see me as more than that.

As I'm lying in bed I get a notification from my phone.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Matt had texted me.

Yes you heard right. I contacted Matt after the dinner and we have been talking ever since. He was really nice to me and we would always stay up late just to talk with one another. After he gave me his number I was excited and was ready to see if this would work out.

"Hey, I'm just trying to fall asleep after literally dragging a drunk twenty two year old out of a frat party."

"Dang, I'm sorry I hope you get some rest tonight. Wanna meet up tomorrow?"

"Uh yeah sure I will text you and let you know what my plans are."

"Alright goodnight talk to you later"


I place my phone down and as soon as I do, I hear a noise. I look out the door and see Elias is sitting up on the couch breathing hard and looking around aimlessly. I rush over to him and kneel down in front of the couch.

"Eli, what's wrong?" I ask and he stops moving and makes eye contact with me. I don't expect him to hug me so I tumble over and now we are on the floor and he is on top of me. Yeah it's hard to breathe because he is putting all of his dead weight on me but it's fine.

"Fay I-I I had a bad dream. I was alone and not even you were there and I just got scared." He sniffles and my heart breaks.

I would hope he knows I would never leave him, nor would Abby or Cole. I wonder if he had a bad experience with his family issues. Maybe they left him and now he only has us. "Elias, I would never leave you, do you hear me?" I ask but get no response.

"Elias Finnegan Graham do you hear me?" I am now irritated. He starts to get off me and looks me in the eye.

"I'm sorry I just- I just- I- I don't wanna lose you guys." He breaks into tears. My heart breaks to see him like this. I want to assume it has something to do with someone leaving him.

I hug him now in a sitting position. "Want me to sleep out here with you?" I ask and he nods right away.

I grab the pillows from the couch and the blanket and place them on the floor. I get Elias under the blanket and then I get in next to him.

We are facing each other and his eyes start to get tired. "Go to sleep Elias, I'm not going anywhere." I say now holding his hand.

He nods and takes the reassurance as a sign to fall back asleep. I close my eyes as well and feel him getting closer. I don't mind it.

He puts his hand on my head holding me to his chest like I was going to leave. I lean into his touch and drift off into a deep sleep.

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