detention - s. inui

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"detention for you , y/n l/n! stay back after class!" my teacher shouted. i rolled my eyes and continued sleeping because i was so tired.

the bell rang. i was packing my things and going into the detention room. i was still tired from just now as i couldn't get proper sleep. i reached the detention room. i decided to go back to sleep and placed my head on the table.

i heard some noises and looked up to see a guy coming in. his skin was pale , however his left eye was tainted with a deep burn scar.

he sat beside me , pulling the chair out. he noticed me staring at him but chose to ignore it.

"what's your name?" i curiously asked.
he only replied after a while.

"my name is seishu inui. you can call me inui."

"oh i'm y/n l/n. call me y/n." i smiled at him but he just gave me a cold look.

"so what are you doing here in the detention room? you look like a good , quiet kid to me." i raised an eyebrow.

"i'm here just because i forgot to bring my work to school. i told my teacher i did it but he didn't believe me so here i am , talking to you." hearing what he said , i chuckled a little.

there was nothing to do in the room and there was only the two of us , so i decided to break the silence and ask him more questions to get to know him better. "where did you get that scar from? it looks beautiful."

inui looked at me with widen eyes and was in shock. it was like no one ever complimented about his scars before.

he sighed and said "it's a long story. you wouldn't want to hear about it."

"but i want to."

"i got it from a fire when i was young." "nothing special about it."

"it is unique. come on tell me more and be more specific." i said wanting to hear more about his backstory. he then looked at me and sighed. he looked sad?

"i understand if you don't want to. let's talk about something else instead!" i said as i didn't want him to get emotional all of a sudden right here and now.

a few hours past by and we were still talking , i was very happy that he had finally started opening up to me. it was the first time i saw him smile and i noticed how pretty he was. his middle parted sunflower blonde hair with an undercut contrasted his dark emerald eyes , and his smile was so bright. this might be love at first sight..i thought.

i found out that both of us had a lot of things in common. we liked the same band and had the same interests. "y/n , had you tried the chocolate cake at the cafe near our school? i heard it's really nice."
i shook my head and looked at him. he was mumbling something while his face was blushing.

" you want to go there with me after this?"

𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now