through the door

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"That was badass babe!" Paul said once we were out of the house. He threw his arm over my shoulder bring him closer to him.

"That was totally badass!" Quil agreed.

"Thanks guys. Embry and Quil would you guy go tell Sam what's going on. If he has any questions he knows where to find me."

"Yes ma'am!" They saluted and ran off.

"Jake are you going to go home?"


"Ok. Well meet you there in a while." He nodded. I watched him get in the rabbit and take off.

"Do you want to go home?" Paul asked as he held the truck door open for me.

"Actually I was thinking we could go to the dinner and get ice cream."

"I like that plan."Soon we were at the dinner. We sat in a booth eatting our ice cream. Paul got chocolate and I got vinalla. "You were so brave back there. Especially dealing with Bella and her leech."

"Thanks but I wasn't that brave." I said shugging it off.

"Yes you were. Nobody would have done that." I let out a light laugh.

"Thanks and thats because you would exploded." He laughed.

"You are correct."

"Well the reasons I was brave was for 2 reasons. One I am helping them. And two if they touched me they would have had to deal with you." He smiled.

"I will always back you up. Always." He stated firmly. I smiled at him. We finished up our ice cream and went back to my house.

Pulling up to my house I noticed a figure on my porch. We got out and I noticed it was Sam. "Hi Sam." I said as me and Paul walked to the porch.

"Hi Lucy. Paul."

"I'm asumming you got my message?"

"I did. Are you sure this is what we should do?"

"I am. I want this over. I'm sure you do to."

"Yes. You are correct. Keep me updated." I nodded yes. With that he left. We watched him leave.

"I'll meet you inside." Paul said once Sam had left.

"Ok the window is unlocked." Since getting back together he would always sneak into my room through me window. We would lay together and sleep. I always sleeper better with him by my side. He kissed my head and went around the side of the house.
I walked into the house to see Jake and dad sitting at the table.

"Hi dad. I'm sure Jake has filled you in on everything."

"Yes he did. I'm so proud of you Lucy. You did a great job." A smile broke out on my face.

"Thanks dad. I'm going to go to bed."

"Another thing Luc." He turned his head to look at me. "Imprints are welcome thought the front door. You don't have to sneak him in by your window." My mouth opened in shock. "I trust you guys." A heavy blush came to my cheeks. Jake started laughing as my dad sent me a shly smile. "Good night you two."

I walked into my room and face planted on my bed. Paul was laughing at what had just happened. "Stop laughing it's not funny!" I said as I lifted my head to glare at him.

"It was funny though." I rolled the eyes at him as my phone chimed. I grabbed it. A text from an unknown number texted me. It read we train in two days form know where we had our meeting.

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