pick her up and run

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It had been a couple of days since we had practiced. My feet were propped up in Jake's lap so that we could both fit on the couch. He was watching TV as I read my book. Jake's phone let out a shrill. I grabbed it off the end table and handed it to him with out looking up from my book. I heard him answer but then I toned him out and went back to reading. That was until he shook my leg. I looked at him over my book.


 "Got to meet up with the Cullens and Bella." 

"Do I have to come?" 

"Yes they want you there." I groaned at this. 

"Come on." Jake said hitting my leg as he got up. I glared at me before I got up.  We meet them at a field. It was just Edward, Bella, and Jasper.

"Your not fighting? What you pull a muscle?" Jake asked as he looked at Edward. "

He's doing it for me ok?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Why are we here? More specify me."

"This field will give us an advantage in the battle. We can lure the newborns here with Bella's sent, but it needs to end here." I raised my eyebrow. 

"Still didn't answer my question." 

"Edward and I are going to a campsite. But even if he carry me, they'll still pick up our sent." 

"Your smell is however revolting." Edward finished. 

"Dude, you don't really want to start comparing stink." 

"He means your sent would cover mine, if you carry me." 

"Would that be ok Lucy?" Jasper asked. 

"Not my choice it's his." I nodded my head to Jake. 

"Done." Jake said. 

"Let's test it." Jake went over and picked her up. 

"Eau de wolf coming up." 

"Run!" Both me and Edward commanded. I took a deep breath and went and sat on a lot away from them. To block my mind from ding dong I started listing my favorite books. 

"You don't like us very much do you?" Jasper asked. His had a slight southern accent. 

"You're alright but him." I said nodding my head toward Edward. "I don't like." Jasper nodded and then took off.

"Your supposed to be gone. It's after graduation." I told him. 

"Actually about that. We were hoping you would allow us to stay till after our wedding." I scoffed. 

" You guys sure ask for a lot don't you?  Isn't it enough I let you stay till after graduation? Enough that I'm risking people's lives to fight this war you started? Aren't you tired of asking people for favors?" I asked finishing my rant. He looked at my guilty.

"Think about Bella. This is her asking you for a favor." 

"I don't like Bella so it a big fat hell no! She has created enough problems. So the sooner you move the sooner she leaves, the sooner the problems leave."

 "But think about Charlie." 

"I'm thinking about everybody's safety. You can fly him out to where your having it. I don't care if it is even a few cites away. I just want you gone." Rusling came from the woods as Jake appeared with Bella. Jasper came behind them. 

"All I picked up was wolf stench. No Bella. This will work." As they planed all I could think was the nerve of them to ask to stay.

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