Getting The Vial

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The keys clanked together before being thrown onto the counter by the front door. Marcus looks at himself through the mirror, angered, he then looks at his badge before he takes it off and slams it down on the counter next to the keys.

He leans on the counter, looking at himself again before exhaling heavily. He then hears his kids' laughter from their bedroom, grinning and happy to see his kids after a long day at work, he begins to walk in that direction.

Once he made it to the door, he slightly opens it. A slight grin shown on his face, seeing his daughter giggle and his younger son play by building a card house. That grin soon leaves when he sees the shadow behind the two kids, shown to be a man.

Marcus opens the door a little more to see Silco sitting on the other side of this card building, helping the two kids build it. "Ah, about time Daddy joined us." Silco said. The black eyed leader looks at Marcus. "You were so busy, little Ren here saw me in." Silco then reached over and pinched Ren's cheek.

Fear pumping through Markus's heart, almost wanting to pop out of his chest, and his breathing is sharp and quick. He opens the door all the way to see two of Silco's people in the room as well.

A women rests in Ren's bed and a man rocks back and fourth in her rocking horse, reading a child's book, the book Marcus' son, Grayson, would always love to read. The man quickly stopped rocking and looks at Marcus but couldn't look at him directly because one eye was a lazy eye. The man then licked his index finger and aggressively placed it on a page of the book, he slowly then flips the page but very roughly. Soon flipping the page, the man chuckles and smiles, showing his really yellow teeth.

Markus doesn't say anything about the man but looks at Silco. "Let's talk outside." Marcus suggested so his daughter and son wouldn't be caught up in a situation he would regret. "Can't you see we're playing?" Silco said shrugging his shoulders. Ren carefully placed a piece on the building and Grayson nods at his dad, agreeing with Silco.

"You remember our dear friend Vi and her little brother (Y/n), don't you? Vander's kids. Vi was about your age and (Y/n) was around your little brother's age." Silco said talking from Marcus to Ren. He clasps his hands together. "Their father went on a long trip, but something bad happened to little (Y/n) and he wasn't able to go on the trip. Dear Vi was truly upset but Daddy here assured me that she left with her father anyways ." Silco said.

Marcus gulps, knowing the situation Silco speaks of is wrong and he believes Silco knows too, Marcus worries for his children's safety. "But it seems she never made it. Isn't that sad?" Silco said resting his head on his hands. "Could you imagine loosing your little brother and soon being separated from your father?" Silco said and looks at Marcus with an evil look.

This scared Ren and quickly hugs her little brother and the two kids look at their dad, scared. The kids soon go back to playing with the card house. "She's... in a safe place." Marcus said hesitantly. "She's in the lanes and she's helping her brother, who's been alive for a while now." Silco said.

Marcus thinks for a moment, shocked of the news. It's impossible to escape Still Water Prison and well (Y/n) was a different story. All the bodies that were left in that cannery were burnt to ash, and the remaining bodies were buried when the roof came down. There wasn't much to say about (Y/n)'s survival except that the boy, in his condition at the time, was lucky to get out in time.

Silco continued. "There is an enforcer with them. A girl. Roughly the same age as Vi." Marcus immediately knew who it was. "Caitlyn. She's a Kiramman. Just like them, she does whatever she wants. I... Can't control her." Marcus answered. 

Silco rolled his eyes in annoyance, he then stands up. "Then of what use are you?" He asked. "I'll track them down. I can fix this." Marcus said with determination but soon turning to a plead. "Please." He finished. 

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