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I laugh, holding my stomach, as it rips out of me, the sheer absurdity of her words replaying in my mind, forcing more laughter. She laughs as well, hers tentative and hesitant.

"Okay," I chuckle. "Now really. Tell me where I am."


"Come on," I urge her. "Seriously just...listen. I'm very unlucky. Just give it to me straight. It's a pimp, isn't it? Shh, it's okay," I put my finger up. "If it's a pimp we will deal with that–"

Po smiles anxiously through the lace of her veil. "Ah...I mean he's very famous for his exploits. He's a knight, Madam. He's decided to let you take refuge here."

A knight? I shift. That would be...a turn.

"How many women does this knight save, Po?" I start looking around. "You know what don't even answer that. I have to go—"

I stand, quickly sinking to my knees at the pain in my side. I hold it. "What the hell..."

"Ah, please Madam don't move," Po quickly rushes to my side helping me up. I catch a sliver of her skin. I frown. What color is that?

She covers it up with her dress hurriedly. "The poison is very strong. You'll be on bed rest for at least a month before you can move freely again."

I wince, clutching my side. "I don't know whose bed I'm in. I won't get any rest. Let me speak to your knight."

"I can't. He's away at war. He brought you here and returned to the battlefield."
"What battlefield? I was a temple. There is no war in the Kingdom of Proviline now."
Po said nothing. Why is she saying nothing? Or rather, why is her silence filled with so many unsaid words?

"...Is there?"

Po leaned back. "I'll bring you some food and medicine. Please rest, Madam. There is a bell at your bedside. If you ring it, I will come assist you with whatever you may need."

She runs off leaving me alone. I stare at the ceiling. An intricate painting covers it, something out of a temple or a holy book. A familiar figure clothed in red armor and a mask stares down at a young woman who's crying.
I frown. His hand is extended, but her hands are holding a goblet. A shiver goes down my spine. It's fine though, right? It's not like a devotion ceremony is unheard of. Brides often pledge their devotion to a god in order to secure a happy life. It makes sense...that this is here; doesn't it? Ah...for the first time in however long I've been here I think of what's happened. My eyes mist over. I bite down into my lip, swallowing the sickly feeling overtaking me.

"Matthew," I whispered.

I decide it will be the last time I say his name.

• • •

A month passes. I never catch sight of this so-called master. Po has become a friend to me, though, and a loyal attendant. I fill my time reading and recovering. Once I was assured that man wasn't here, I decided to take full advantage of his kindness. I sit up, smiling at the lack of pain.

"You sure that knight of yours isn't just dead somewhere in a ditch," I remark to Po as she does my hair.

She gaps. "Oh no, Madam! It can't be! Master cannot be killed." I look up at her.

She smiles. "That easily." She adds nervously, turning my head back around.

"You're so squeamish about him. Do you love him or something?

"Oh, how could I? No, the master took me in when I was quite young. He's a good man," Po said softly, looking at me through the mirror's reflection.

"Thanks, Po," I whisper. "For everything."

She pats my shoulder warmly.

"Now, you get some rest. Tomorrow is a big day."

"Oh?" I lay down, "Why is that?"

Po just smiles, turning off the light as she leaves. I wait a moment, pulling my bag from under the bed.

I store a piece of bread inside. Tomorrow is a big day.

Tomorrow I'm going to leave.

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now