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I wonder as we sit on the edge of the bed when I started caring about these people. Not Slade. I know exactly the moment I fell for him.

When he came, across the table, wordlessly, and cut my meat into little slices for me and sat back down. That's when I knew...I liked him. That I would fall in love with him.

To do something so kind, without a thought, showed me who he was. But these people, Dion, Fallon, Solice. Even though I've never seen him, Nathaniel, too.

Maybe it's because they're his. Because he's inside them. Fallon's exciting talking, her insistence on calling me, Mom. Dion, and his begrudging caretaking. It reminds me of Slade.

And Solice...he's quiet, but when it counts, he's there.

I shift. It's been two hours since Slade asked me if I would begin to resent him. I said I didn't know. It wasn't the right answer.

"I won't," I say suddenly. His hand is mine, and we stare at nothing in the dark.

"Won't what?"

"Resent you," I squeeze harder. "I love you. And...listen, I like lots of things."

I stand. "Swords. I love swords. How long do you think it will take me to learn every type of swordwork in the world?"

He shrugs. "A few hundred years."

"And by then there'll probably be new swords. And to try every fruit. And teach Po to season meat because...baby, it's sad how bland the food is."

He smiles, looking away. "Yes...but–"

"And dancing. Oh, I would love to learn to dance as they do in Florence," I try, tripping over my feet. He catches me.

"There's a...light festival," He suggests quietly. "Across the world. Beautiful."

"I've never seen it!" I grin. "Oh, and painting! I've always wanted to be a painter. Oils, acrylics, I could be famous!"

"Music," he whispered. "I've always found pianos quite interesting."

"And the whole time, the world is changing. And more spectacular things are being made, and done, and created," I smile. "Eternity doesn't have to be boring. And we don't have to be alone. We're family."

Slade's frown is gone now, his ruby eyes blazing again. I sigh in relief. He holds me up.

"They do...love balls. We could take them," he whispers.

"Sewing, science, writing, painting, music, and so much more. There are lots to live for. Slade...I love you. And an eternity with you is an eternity well spent."

I reach up, brushing his hair, my fingers resting on his stubble jaw. He pulls me up, pressing his forehead against mine.

"It's a wonderful world out there," I assure him. "And it's changing every day."

• • •

Slade stares at Fallon's door. He comes and talks to her through the door every day. Usually about nothing thing.

Po made a mess today.
A rose didn't turn the right color.

Today he stares with confidence. I squeeze his hand. He nods, clearing his throat.

"I...don't know if you want to come. But Monika will be teaching me to cook. I'll probably make a mess of myself. It will be very embarrassing."

Fallon says nothing. Slade endures, brushing his fingers on his stubble as he closes his eyes.

"I know you're tired of my apologies. So I'll make you a promise. If, you fall in love again...truly, love. I will...give them my power—"

The door swings open. Fallon frowns. "Don't lie to me."

Slade opens his eyes. "I don't lie."

She sniffs. "It makes me...angry that you waited until after he died to see the light."

"I know. I can be very stupid." He assured her. "I'm sorry I'm not a good father."

She swallowed. "You said you wouldn't apologize anymore."

"I couldn't help it," he furrows his brow. He reaches out, hesitantly, putting his hand on her head.

Her eyes fill with stubborn tears. The poor thing. I touch my chest.

"I'm really...still so mad at you."

He nods. "I know. You're right to be."

She sniffled. "And I don't want to feel better. Not yet."

He nods. "I understand."

"But...I will make fun of you. For a little bit."

He smiles, bringing her into a hug. She paused before hugging him back. Her small form was engulfed in his.

And he says he's not a father. I smile, as they walk to the kitchen.

"Will he make us train if we laugh at him," Dion asks from behind me?

I shake my head. "I won't let him," I wink.

Dion smirks, slinging his arm over my shoulder. "For a human...you're kinda cool, Monika."

Solice walks behind us, his hands in his pockets.

"I'm a goddess you know," I raised my brow. "I can poof and everything."

Dion shakes his head. "Ah, it's going to her head now Solice."

"Give her some slack," Solice mutters. "Everything goes to your big head."

Dion scowls. "I have a big head because I have a big brain."

"Is that what you think?" Solice smirks. I chuckle at their banter.

We walk into the kitchen. Fallon is already laughing at Slade, who has a pink apron around his waist.

"It complements my eyes," he defends, sighing as he shakes his head.

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