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Monika stretches like a cat on the bed. Her skin is glowing.

"Hm...you know what I need right now," she whispers, pulling her dress down her shoulders.

I raise a brow. "What's that?"

She smirks, opening her legs. "Come,"

Hmm...well this is an interesting turn of events. I crawl between her thighs, my finger tracing them as I do, pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Baby," I kiss her shoulder. She leans back with a giggle,  wrapping her arms around me.

"You're exuding power," I whispered. "My goddess,"

Her fingers pull at my fur.

"I want you. I want you to stretch me out, the way you do;" she whispers. "I want to feel you all the way in here," she brings my hand to her belly.

"Whatever you command,"

She wants me now, won't let me take my time, won't let me stretch her. She's ready now, she insists, pulling me closer with her powers.

I let her, sinking inside her warm, wet depths, pressing down on her belly, feeling her, feeling me, feeling us.

She cums harder when I press here, her arms thrown around me as her body goes slack.

She moaned my name again, soft now, reserved as she comes down, still clinging to me, always clinging to me, my Monika.

"I love you," I whisper, my eyes closing. Monika sits up.

"Let's go again," she nibbles my ear.

"Hm," really what's gotten into her? Is she...alright?

I press my hand against her forehead. Monika takes my large hand in her smaller one, putting my fingers in her mouth.

Oh...okay. That's a new feeling.

"Monika, as your husband I feel I must ask this before I-"

She sucks harder. Well...I can ask later, right? I could do that?

I shake my head. "Are you alright Monika?"

She cocks her head, my finger between her plump lips.

• • •

We sit around the table. Monika is next to me answering Fallon's incessant questions.

I put my finger up, indicating I want silence. Monika licks her lips, as they open slight a little sigh parting from them, pressing them together her eyes on my finger. She shifts in her seat.

I raise my brow at her in silent inquiry.

Her cheeks heat she shakes her head. "Y-Your father is right we should...all shut up. Right now." She breathes.

She's tempting me. Why is she doing this?

"Monika, behave," I narrow my eyes.

She looks away, opening her mouth. I narrow my eyes a bit further. She paused, contemplating, before opening her mouth again.

I give her a silent warning.

She takes it and discards it.

"Or what?"

The kids jump up, making miscellaneous excuses, stumbling over one another to escape the temple.

I stare at her. I don't say anything. I'm not sure what to say. If it were my children, it would be a physical punishment.

Training till the sun came up. Surprised they never hated it. Maybe they did.

But I can't do that to her. She's not my child she's my wife. I narrow my eyes once more.

She smiles slyly waiting for me. That coy little thing. What does she want from me?

"What did you say?"

"I said...or what? What happens if I don't behave?"

I lean back in my chair watching her. She squirms in her chair.

Or what? Who taught her that?

My gaze makes her shift in her seat. I call her over with a crook of my fingers. She ambles toward me.

"I-just meant-"

She stands between my legs. I watch her squirm.

"So? You don't want to behave?" I ask her gently.

"I wouldn't," I lift her face, nodding for her to go on. "I wouldn't say that, I think...I think I was just curious-"

"Oh, you were curious?"

I nod. Tightening my grip on her face. "What did you think I would do to you, little wife? Were you hoping I'd punish you?"

Monika's eyes shift away from mine. Her feet leave the ground. I pull her back down, raising my brows.

"Hm..." she shifts, her cheeks blossoming.

So cute.

"What do I always say?" I caress her cheek.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes," she mutters.

I nod. She plays with her fingers. "I have an idea and you're not going to like it."

My hands roam her body as I listen.

"I think...we should go to war. I don't want Nathaniel to go."

I look up at her. "Why? He's loyal I know he is-"

She shakes her head. "No...it's not that. I don't...I don't want him to go because I think it will make him feel expendable. He's just like the rest of the children. He should be protected too. He shouldn't sacrifice himself for us."

My lips turn up. Yes...I forget this is my Monika. Sometimes mean, never cruel.

"Then tomorrow, let's go. Let's wage war, you and I," I pull her close. "But Monika...will you be alright?"

She smiles softly. "Yes. I wage war for my family. For you. For us. For the children we have, and the children to come."

Monika kisses me. "Did I escape punishment?"

I chuckle. "You are a goddess of your own right. To punish you is impossible."

She links. I throw her over my shoulder. "But I'm sure I can figure something out."

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now