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I sit in Slade's lap while he talks to Dion about someone named Fallon. I'm not sure who this person is, but Slade insists that she must be here by noon tomorrow, and Dion insists he'd rather die than see her stupid face.

"I'm not talking to her," Dion stands. "If she's here then I'm not."

Slade shakes his head. "I don't have time for this. Your powers are stronger now. I need to round you all up, so none of you do anything I wouldn't do."

Dion narrows his eyes. "But you don't do anything."

Slade nods. "Exactly. And that's what I want you all to do. Nothing. Absolutely —are you thinking of doing something? Stop it. Don't even think about it."

Dion rolls his eyes.

Slade looks down at me and smiles. "I've taken in a few children over the years and given them power. Since I'm due for a surge, I need to round them up."

"So taking in orphans is a hobby for you," I raise my brow.

Slade shrugs. "It gets lonely sometimes. If I stumble upon a child with talent and nowhere to go, I train them. I get to have someone in the house and they get to live."

"Yeah, with you. So that's kinda a loss," Dion remarks.

Slade growls. "I'm going to put your head through a wall the next to you say something —"

"I really am waiting," Dion smirks. "I don't think you will."

Slade just rolls his eyes.

The doors to the temple bursts open. "I walked outside today, and picked up 5 horses," A man says, "What the hell happened?"

Slade sets me down. "Solice. You're here."

Solice has long dark hair and tattered clothes. He looks around narrowing in on Dion.

"If it isn't the little orphan boy."

Dion rolls his eyes. "We're all orphans, Solice."

"I'm not," Solice shrugs.

"Yes...my parents died, and it was sad. But at least they didn't look me in my face and abandon me while they were alive like yours did."

Solice licks his teeth with a nod. "I've spent the last 200 years praying at temples for your downfall."

Dion smirked. "Hm...same here. Po made lunch."

"Sweet," he picks up a roll.

"I was all whoosh," A girl says, stepping inside the temple. "And then I was like...woooh. And I'm definitely faster than I was before," She looks at me. "Oh, my gods. Tell me he took in another girl."

I wave. "No...sorry. I'm his wife."

Her eyes widen. "Mommy?"

I step back. "Okay...that's deeper than I wanna go."

"Fallon," Slade warns her.

She runs to him, throwing herself in his arms. He pats her back awkwardly. "We've discussed your boundaries with strangers," he sighs, setting her down with a pat on her head.

"Dion, hey look at you man. You're all buff," she races toward him looking him over, popping up in front of him and behind him.

"You're like Slade 2.0. And Solice," she smiles, popping up in front of him. "You look so poor. What happened?"

Solice just nods. "Okay. Good to see you too Fallon."

"Is it good?" She looks around. "I'm like 10 times faster. Doesn't that mean there's like a huge war going on? And doesn't that mean O—"

Slade narrows his eyes. Fallon purses her lips.

"So married. I wasn't invited. And where's Nathan. And what's your name, Mommy?"

Is she gonna keep calling me that? It's pretty creepy.

"I'm Monika. Please...just call me Monika."

She shrugs. "Ah, home sweet temple. Ooh, Po made lunch."

Po stands anxiously at the head of the table. "I didn't know you would be here. I didn't know any of you would be here. I must go cook more."

Fallon starts eating everything in sight. We all watch her.

"Can you believe it?" She rambled, stuffing her face with a baked potato. "I ran all the way here from Moshoy? And man...the death around here is crazy. I'm surprised I have an appetite it was all blood, brains," she waves her hand, starting on the rolls.

"Anyway, I stop by Florence and they're basically like...gone. What happened?"

Slade glanced at me and Dion. "A world war has broken out. Hence why your powers are growing."

Fallon chuckled. "Heh, no duh, Slade. I'm saying...what's with the amount of power. It's like the balance is collapsing."

Dion looks away.

She drops her roll. Her playful expression is gone. She gives a look she could've only learned from Slade.

"Which one of you stupid, stupid orphan mother fuckers did it?"

"I'd like to point out you can't be an orphan and a motherfucker, because you don't have a mother," Dion shrugs.

"So it was you." Fallon stands. "Hold still. I'm just gonna rip your tongue out through your teeth."

Dion reached for his knife. "You come near me and your throat is gonna be an open invitation."

Fallon smirks. "As if you could ever be fast enough." She hissed, blinking toward him. Dion readies his weapon.

Oh boy. Homicide at lunch.

Slade slams his fist on the table. Everyone stands and looks at him.

He doesn't say a word, but his point is gotten across. Fallon scoffs and sits down. They all go silent.

I clear my throat. "So...Moshoy? Is it rainy over there this time of year?"

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