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"You're not really that upset are you?" Nathaniel asks as Monika frowns.

Her feet leave the ground, her eyes turning over red, her fingers blackening. She starts getting larger, her wings breaking out of her back.

"I have a right to be upset!" She screams, her voice distorted.

I nod frantically. "I agree. I think the tea was too hot I think we're all, sorry about it, Po feels terrible. Fallon is-Fallon you're sorry?"

Fallon nods hurriedly.

"Nathaniel is just...I mean he is...in pieces about it aren't you, Nathaniel?"

Nathaniel backed away with a slow nod.

I smile. "I think that the family," I look around the table nodding, encouraging the terrified children to nod as well, "Thinks that this was...a personal attack not from any of us-but the from the tea directly. And we are sorry you had that experience."

She sniffs, looking around. "Really?"

"Really! And you know in this temple acts of wrath are not just accepted they are...you know, encouraged. And I think you're doing a wonderful job, and you look so pretty, my little wife. Absolutely stunning, really."

She touched her hair. "I put something different in my hair today."

"I can tell. It's very shiny all your curls look very defined and beautiful, right?"

Monika has been having some issues with...wrath lately. I'm not sure whether it's fear, anger, or an influx of prayers.

But whatever it is she's been going off the deep end at everything. And it is...terrifying.

It is also single handed lay the most arousing thing I've ever seen in my life. In all my years. All 13,000 of them.

She comes down, settling on my lap clearing her throat. "Well..."

Aside from that, I've been having a very disconcerting dream.

Premonition. Monika is now crying about the fact the tea is cold. Everyone is silent. At the risk of saying something upsetting. I pat her head and kiss her cheek, and pull out my sword.

I turn on the flame and dip it in the tea for a moment.

Monika is going through a lot right now.

And I...am here for Monika.

"I'm sorry," she whispers apologetically, wringing her hands. "I don't know what's wrong with me I...can't control my emotions of my body I..."

She smiles sadly. "I'm really sorry. I'm trying to get better."

But Monika is perfect. I love Monika.

She looks at me before sliding off my lap. "I'm going to take some time in my room to get my thoughts together."

She walks there. Doesn't want to use her powers much. They keep exploding. She tried to poof to the bathroom and ended up in Florence.

It's quiet now. I'll go get her in a moment. Every time she's too far from me, my head starts to hurt.

"Uh...are we going address the elephant in the room?" Fallon asks.

"Careful. If Monika heard that we may either be killed or be squished by an actual elephant," Dion snorts.

I sigh. "Monika is having a power burst. It's a sensitive time." I stand then I pause.

"Are...you all okay?"

They nod, and I sigh, going into the room. Monika sniffled. "I'm sorry," she says again. She sits in the closet, depriving herself of light.

I open it, smiling. "Hey, don't go so far from me."

I pick her up, holding her in my arms. She buries her face in my shoulder.

"Is this why they wanted to kill me? Because I'm dangerous?" She asks.

I shake my head. "No. Powerful. They want to kill you because you're powerful."

I open the window, sitting next to her in front of it. "Don't hide from the sun, Monika." I kiss her head.

She holds my hand, looking outside. "Here comes the sun," she whispered leaning her head on my shoulder.

We watch the sunrise.

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now