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Her body bounces a bit as I lay her on the bed, shedding my fur and cape. She smiles, her hair a pillow of curls.

"You're so beautiful," I inform her, pulling her dress off her shoulders, and kissing her as I peel the thin fabric from the majesty that is her body.

Desire thrums in my ears, as she heats up under my fingertips, her mouth full of soft sighs and my name.

I forget about the summit. About the things awaiting us. The horrors that may befall us.

Now it's just me and her, this bed, her sighs, the wetness she produces for me. She slicks as soon as I touch her, when I look at her, eternally ready for me.

She sighs, as I watch her writhe, and pulse under my gaze.

"Slade, I need you." She begs.

A goddess should never have to beg, I suppose, so I fulfill her wish, pressing my lips against her sex. I know her inside and out.

For a hundred years, pleasuring this woman, my wife, my goddess.

Every part of her that gives her pleasure, every pain she enjoys every insecurity I know them all.

I pleasure her, taking the to taste her, that intoxicating taste of her arousal.

She shuddered around my tongue, making me smile. Her body slumps her breasts heaving as she catches her breath. I kiss her head.

I lay next to her. "We should have a ball," I tell her.

She leans over, putting her head on my chest. I stroke her arm as we relax. I take the barrier down.

"What about now?" She grins, I look over at her.

Monika is spontaneous. She likes to get up and do things. Especially with me. My heart pounds in my chest.

She loves doing things with me. I look over her face. She's so perfect. Her attention is already on the ball now, as she rattled off things I'll need to make.

I watch her.

Monika spent her whole life trying not to take up space. Trying not to curse people with her existence. We're alike in that way.

Now she's shaken that label, she wants to see things, go places, stop and dance whenever. She's free.

Well...not free from me. Never free from me. I will never let her go.

"What would make you happy right now?" I ask.

She shrugs. "Mh...chocolate Ice cream?"

I hand it to her. Monika bites her lip, leaning over, cupping my face, kissing me deeply.

"I love you, my God."
"I love you too, my Goddess."

She squeals, digging into her ice cream. Little things make her so happy.

She stands, sticking her fork into her ice cream, her bare body exposed, as she slips it into her mouth looking up at me.

Her eyes drop down to my erection before grinning. "Did I do that?"

I sit up, raising my brows and resting on my hands. "Eat your ice cream, Monika."

She whined her hips, slowly taking the spoon out of her mouth. "Want some?"

My breathing hitched. Fuck.

"Of the ice cream or you?"

She smirks with a shrug. My eyes devour the curve of her hips, the fat of her behind, her breasts that figure. I've never...attracted to a human before her.

She was made for me.

"Either or?" She whispers, dancing toward the bed. I stand, grabbing her off the floor. She laughs in my arms, like music, her laughter, kissing her roughly.

"Slade," she puts her hands in my hair, putting the spoon in my mouth. It's cold against my lips.

My heart beats faster. I should...address that.

This body should not beat. It should not breathe. It should not have a heartbeat. But lately, it's more and more constant.

"I love you," I whisper, pressing against the cabinet I keep the armor in. She sighs softly.

"I love you too. Put it inside, Slade. I need you."

The ice cream is on the floor neither of us remembered to move to the table, too clouded now.

Her lips dance over mine, as I stroke her, making sure she's wet enough. Her wetness coats my fingers. I put them in her mouth, sinking inside her.

I inhale.

My heart beats.

I am...

"Slade! Oh, fuck!"


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