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"My Goddess please, she didn't mean it."

I pull her down. Her head hits the ceiling her hair fanning out.

Today Monika is upset because Fallon said she liked the biscuits and Monika decided that meant, she thought she was only good for cooking.

I don't know what's gotten into my Monika, but I hope it comes out soon.

"Monika, Monika," I pull her down. "Fallon was complimenting you."

Monika's eyes fill with tears. She can't control herself. It further drives her to madness. I haven't come up with but one solution: go to them. Ask they fix her.


But she looks at me helpless, as she shakes her head. "I...I..."

She poofs away, and I frown. Her energy is still here. She's in her closet, hands on her head, balled up. I wedge myself into it, squishing her against the wall.

"Everyone knows you don't mean to lash out," I say, putting my hand on her head. "It's just...your powers."

She sniffs. I sigh. Her tears are like stabs of a god's sword. I bleed every time I see them.

"I just feel so empty," her eyes water. She pulls at her clothing. "I...need..."

I cup her face. "Tell me what you need and I will give it to you," I swear.

She looks up at me. "I think I need..." she swallows roughly looking down at her belly. "I think I need..."

• • •

"Absolutely not," Nathaniel shakes his head roughly. "I mean this is so obviously a trap that...I almost want to stab you for suggesting it!"

I look at Dion. He swallows. "I hate to say this but I agree with Nathaniel. I think they destabilized her powers. Probably put something in her head to make her a baby, knowing you'll give her one."

I clench my jaw. They make sense. Dion and Nathaniel are the eldest. They remember things I don't.

"She needs it," I say simply.

"She thinks she needs it," Nathaniel slams his hand down.

I raise my brow.

Dion rubs his chin. "Maybe you should consult Youin," he suggests. "He'll know better what to do. Without our bias."

Dion sighs, "You once told me Demi-gods were not allowed because their powers are uncontrollable. That they affect the balance, because they take from their parents, and can affect duties."

Hm. I suppose I did say that. Years ago.

I sigh. I can't deny her. I already told her to wait. Telling her no is....unseemly.

"As her god and her husband it is my duty to provide what she requires and all that she requests."

I stand. "So...I must."

Nathaniel looks away. "Slade. Chances are if she has this child they'll just come to take it and you said it yourself; you're not..."

I smile. Something Nathaniel loathes to admit. Presses against his pride. That I am...too weak.

"It's true. But a child of mine and Monika...could be very beneficial for turning the tides," I stand.

"Don't," Dion says softly.

I look back, waiting for him to speak.

"Don't have a child to stop a war, or even to satisfy Monika. Don't...bring a child into the world for that."

I smile.  I reach out, pressing my head against his. "I have never...raised a child for a reason like that,"

Dion nods. "And Slade?"


He doesn't finish. I sigh once more, tussling his hair and Nathaniel's.

"I...I am your eldest blood son, Slade."

Ah, Nathaniel. I don't know why he feels so inferior, I didn't treat him that way.

"I was there when I made you," I remark. I don't remember it, but I was there.

"Then don't...don't neglect me just because you have a child with a woman you actually love. A stronger one-"

I sigh. "Nathaniel...you are my army. My soldiers. My...children. Even if I have a million children I will never forget you, or neglect you."

I look away. "I forgot my own name. But I will never forget any of yours."

He glanced away. "If you say so, Father."

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now