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I don't feel fear. It's ingrained in me to be fearless, as nothing truly poses a threat to me, not even other gods.

But that one moment she's here and then gone, something flutters in my gut.

"Monika?" Dion asks.

Fallon says nothing speeding away to look for her. Nathaniel watches me, as I disappear, heading to the void.

"Monika!" I shout, looking around. The summit illusion is still standing, which means someone is still projecting it.

Orion stands in front of me. "Looking for someone?"

I clench my jaw. "I don't think you understand that I will rip your soul from your spirit and grind it dust before ingesting and shitting it out. Where is she?"

Orion blinks. "Slade? What are you asking me."

I smile, touching the temple. It crumbles.

There are a few things I may have forgotten about myself. But I know one thing. He's going to draw out this power he's afraid of if he keeps playing touching.

Orion frowns looking around. "H-how did you-"

I step toward him. "It's your body next. And don't think that you'll go to void, either. I will cast you to truth death. Where is she?"

He steps back with a. Grin. "No one wonder this summit didn't scare you. Look at that I've never seen you use that! You holding out on us, Slade?"


"I don't have to touch you," I whisper. "Where...is she?"

Orion shakes her head. "I don't have her. You just collapsed the temple. You don't see her do you?"

I pause. "I know you have something to do with this. And balance helps me, I will kill you, Orion. Tell me. Where. She. Is."

He turns around trying to leave, trying to poof away. I reach out my hand, putting him in a bubble.

Orion's eyes widened as he tries to transform. He can't. He looks at me, the light in his eyes going out.

"Since when do you have this power?" Orion asks softly, his wings flittering.

"Since forever," I hold the ball up. "In this seal? There are no humans, no gods. Just void. Which means you can't use powers in it."

I smile. "Tell me where she is, Orion. And I'll let you go."

He looks up into my eyes. "I don't know. Really."

My eye twitched. My neck...it itches. I scratch it, with a frown. I shouldn't be able to itch.


I can't think. Where is she? How did she just...maybe she went to the bathroom or the garden? I go back down to my temple.

"Let me out! You promised!"

I pause. "I'll be back."

I pop back to the temple, and there they sit. Dion, Nathaniel, Solice, and Fallon who sobs.

"She's not anywhere I checked. I even went to every continent. Where did Monika go?"

She sees me standing craving to me. "Did you find her? Slade?"

I clench my jaw. "I'll be back. You four keep your eyes open. If she comes back, just keep her here."


It itches and my eyes are stinging. Where could she be? "Monika!"

I look around. My arm enlarges, falling to the ground limply. What is happening to me? I can't...what is this feeling?

My other arm falls too, limp, and larger.

"Monika..." I call. , touching my neck. Even my voice is distorted.

I close my eyes. Everything else crumbles away. I need her. I really can't...I think I'll fade out of existence if I can't have her.


My head falls back, and it goes black for a moment. Nothing, not even light is conveyed behind my eyes. I'm losing my mind. I scratch my neck.

"I need to find her," I say, walking away. Orion watches me. He's out of the bubble I'm not sure how.

I should be able to find her energy if I concentrate. I just need to listen. I can't seem to track her down. I just need to...concentrate.

Fuck. I scratch my neck, opening my eyes.


I could try Youin. Yes. I'll do that. I head to his domain. Underwater. I hate being wet.

If I can't find her, I'll just have to erase every hiding place. Anywhere she could be.

I will find her.

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now