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A few months passed and Slade takes up training me in earnest. We migrate from hand-to-hand combat to a short blade fairly quickly.

He tells me I'm his most talented and by far most beautiful student.

I ask him if Dion is the only other student and pretend to be offended that my only competition is a child. He tells me Dion was a very talented child and I should be honored.

Slade stared down at me, his red eyes. "Alright, one last time, broadsword, left flank attack. Go."

I run the drill, exactly as he's drilled into me. Someone's on your left flank attacking you. You pivot your elbow to stop their movement with the arm not holding your blade.

Keeping your Elbow crammed in their rubs pivot, and drive the knife up into the chest.

"Very good," Slade claps, his hand on my neck. "Very good, Monika. I'll make a soldier of you yet."

I grin under his praise. He pressed his forehead to mine, his hands on my face. I close my eyes. I love this. It's his way of showing affection.

I hum, closing my eyes and leaning closer. He shifts, before ripping himself away from me.

"What's wrong, Slade?" My words trail off my eyes too, down his torso.

His tattoo.

It's gotten larger. Spreading down his arm slightly. The patch of black extended down further.

He lets out a shaky breath before smiling. "Let's run the drill again. From the top. Right flank, broadsword, your opponent is heavier than you. Go."

I swallow. "What just happened? Slade? Did your tattoo just move down your body?!"

He adjusts his fur. "I told you, Monika. It's not a tattoo. Now... run the drill again."

• • •

Slade stared up at his armor with a frown. I stand at the edge of the doorway, the intricate carving always attracting my fingertips.

"Monika. You're not meant to come in this room, how many times have I told that?"

I shudder. "Something is wrong. Dion. Your tattoo. Po not being able to poof like she does. What's going on?"

His fingertips thugs against his armor. He reaches behind it, pulling out his mask. He stared down at it.

"Monika, go back to bed. I'll come and lay with you soon, alright?"

"Please...explain, Slade. I...I just want to help you," I beg.

He looks up at me with a smile. He stands, pressing his forehead to mine. I sigh.

"You being by my side is all the help o need right now, Monika. You're only human. I'm a god. If I can't fix it...no one can."

"Then something is wrong—"

He sighs heavily turning around. "Monika, what did I tell you? About...Him? Do you remember?"

I nod. "Never say his name. Never go near his temple. Don't even think about it. Run if you see it."

Slade nods gently. "Just keep that in mind. Go to bed. I'm coming soon. And Monika?"

My stomach tightens. He smiles. "Thank you. For worrying about me.

I slink out of the room, anxiety eating at my bones. He's right about one thing. He's a god. And if he's worried, I should be terrified. It must be...he who should not be named.

Maybe I can ask Dion when he comes around.

I head to the bedroom. Slade usually sleeps with me here. I'm forbidden from his room. The room with the engraving on the door.

I lay down, staring at the ceiling as I wait for him. I frown, sitting up a bit, narrowing my eyes. Has the portrait on the ceiling changed?

A monster with red wings, and a black body, hides in a cave, holding his hand out. The woman turns her back on him. I narrow my eyes, standing on the bed.

My fingertips touch the painting. She has a bracelet and a ring on.

Slade shuts the door behind me, startling me.

He looks me over, looking at the ceiling. I wait for him to explain the portrait when he had it changed and why.

He cocks his head. "I didn't know you could touch the ceiling either."

"You don't see that?" I whispered.

He looks up. "See...what? The ceiling?"

He can't see it. Why can't he see it?

"Yeah...it uh...looked different to me somehow."

Slade removes his fur. "We'll the temple is full of divine energy. Sometimes divine beings take refuge in temples." He shrugs. "They like to play tricks sometimes. I'm sure it's nothing."

Divine beings? He settles in next to me, pulling me into his arms.

My eyes can't pull away from that image. I know...it's a monster. But he looks so sad.

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