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Monika paused. Her eyes close. Someone is praying.

God of War, Goddess of War and Love, I pray to you.

Nathaniel stared back at us. When a prayer is powerful, and blood calls to a god, instead of just the words, you can see the worshipper.

Nathaniel appears before us, his parents. He knows I will forgive him. I am unable to help myself when it comes to my children. He's very aware, that I cannot stay upset with him.

But Monika...

He looks at her. "Mother. Father. I am praying to you, to give you the location of these two. I have bound them."

He stared at her, at his mother whose heart he's just broken.

She stares back. She says nothing for a moment. He looks away, the connection wracking.

"Are you safe?" She says finally.

He smiles softly and nods. "Yes. I am safe."

Monika nods back. "We will be there."

I look up. "It is all coming to a close, Monika. The children are already waging war well. We should be fine against them now."

She smiles, touching her belly. "We'll all be together as a family soon. I can't wait."

• • •

We follow the coordinates, poofing to the location. Nathaniel is there, sitting on a toppled marble column.

One of my abandoned temples. Monika lit up in excitement at that woman, bound and gagged.

"Good job," Monika praises him, a vine wrapping around the woman's neck. She pauses.

"But are you sure?" She looks back at him.

Azareal is my concern. That conversation between mother and son is mostly held silently. I am staring into the eyes of my child, who I have unwittingly neglected.

"Is this where she hid you? Among my energy? I wouldn't have been able to distinguish you from it."

He looks up at me. He looks so tired. I change forms. Children are more forgiving, but when they are alone and afraid it's best to show them something they're familiar with.

He says nothing. He's exhausted all his options. I am a God of War. In his mind, I suppose his execution would be the next order of business.

"Do you love her?" I ask him softly, nodding at that woman, as Monika impaled her on blackthorns. She's using my destructive power.

Our destructive power.

He follows my eyes. "Love?" He echoes dully. He doesn't answer.

My heart breaks for him. They could've grown up together. Wore matching capes and got into mischief. Swung swords as punishment, and watched the roses.

I think they both would've been happier for it.

"Why do you cry," I whisper, leaning down, wiping a tear from his eyes. "I'm sorry I wasn't there. I would've never abandoned you."

He looks into my eyes. I sigh. "You are not an adult you know," I take my original form.

"What are you talking about old man?" He mumbled bitterly.

I tower over him. "In the grand scheme of things. In the stream of eternity, you are still a child. Even at your age."

He scoffs. "What matter of condescension is this-"

I pick him up, carefully putting him in my arms. He glared at me.

I brush his hair back. "You are still my child. So I will be taking custody of you now. Monika?"

Monika smirks. "I'm all done. Nathaniel."

He winced. "Sword drills?"

"For like 20 years," she confirms. "Come on, let's get out of here. We have to swing by and get your brothers and sisters."

Nathaniel rolls his eyes. "Can I get 10 years off that sentence for feeling bad?"

She glanced back at him, sprouting an apple tree in his path, an apple dripping on his head.

"Ow," he mumbled, touching his head. "Guess that's a no."

"Where are you taking me?" Azareal asks softly.


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